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I was a small kitten smaller then the rest so that was a reason to pick on my because I was he smallest it got worst till one day I came home with scratches down my arms and bruises all down my legs and all I could do was cry and run to my mom to help me after this happened my mom pulled me out of the school and home schooled me it was so much better and I lived a happy child hood until the night my dad died at his work he worked at an electric plant and he got electrocuted. By the time me and my mom got there he was dying of heart failure ad all I remember was his last words to me 'no matter what you will ever do I will be proud of you and love you just promise me you will remember that' and all I could do was cry tell him not to leave us and after that night I started having trouble talking to my mom and my sister until about my 14 birthday 7 years after my dad died.

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