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So you and nelly go in your room and we were talking

Y:hold on im finna jump in the shower rq cause my hands kinda bloody

N:k im finna go after you


So you hop in the shower and do hygiene and wash your hair and stuff

You get out wrap a towel around you and walk into your room nelly was at your vanity fixing her hair

N:so watch you doing on your birthday its in 2 days

She said fixing her edges and i was picking my fit

Y:to be honest i dont know but im fashooo inviting jay and azi

N:ohh yess we should have that cousin sleep over that we always do


I say putting on my clothes

N:k im gonna go take a shower

I nod my head and finish getting dressed then sit on my vanity and do my hair i was finishing my edges and alexis came in she was dressed

Y:oohh girl you look cute

A:thx you to

Y:oh ok we gonna have a cousin sleep over for my birthday

A:oohh yay i love those who coming cause yk. Sum of them annoying

Y:oh oh yea ik so ofcourse jay and azi then maybe Naomi siah and julian

A:yess ok so no dads side?

Y:girl are only cousin on dads side is nelly and she is staying

A:k lemme borrow some lipgloss

Y:its in the dresser i need some to after you

I said putting perfume

So she put on some lipgloss and handed it to me i put it on and this was the fit

So she put on some lipgloss and handed it to me i put it on and this was the fit

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.


So nelly came out the bathroom with her hair in a bonnet cause she just did it

Y:im finna go in my bestfriends room

N:k ill be in here getting ready

Lexi had already left

So you walked into braidens room told him the plan and everything went to eat so now skip to. Hours later so nelly is in lexis room doing there acrylics at home cause my mom has the stuff and im in my room listening to my husband's prettymuch😍😍😍😍

I love them sooo much everything about them i just want them to hit it from the back. Bro and brandon🖐🏽😔❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤he can punch me

I literally simp over them

I have a picture of them on my wall

I follow them on Instagram i watch there lives one time zion was on live and he read my comment i screamed for 2 days straight i talked about it everything i love them so much

So i was bored and everyone was busy accept of course my baby brother❤❤

So still blasting prettymuch i look for him he was downstairs with my mom and dad he was crying so i just told my mom i got it and picked him up and he stopped she smiled at me

So i had brandon on my hip and he was hitting his gums on my shoulder tryna bite me cause he is kinda teething so i go in the freezer and get his popsicle thing and put a napkin around it and Gave it to him then i walked into my moms room to get his pacifier and numbing cream cause ik he is gonna fuss

And walked upstairs in my room

Braiden came in my room and got on my PlayStation.

I was laying down and the baby was sitting on my stomach

Then i remembered i have to ask mami and pa if its ok if the cousins come and nelly stay

So i did they said yea so i called the cousins i wanted to come and they said yea so the rest of the night i played with landon and braiden and we fell asleep on my bed

summer~bestfriendsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin