"Whatever happens, can we agree to have each others' backs?"

"Of course, Maureen."

Zara noticed the blond was trying not to cry. 

"Are you afraid?" Zara asked. 

Maureen nodded and said, "Aren't you?"

"I would be stupid not to be. But I won't let them see."

Maureen nodded and they hugged, holding each other for a few minutes. 

The sound of the heavy metal door at the end of the hallway clanged in the cold space and jolted the women apart. Then Rob appeared, wearing a black tuxedo. Odd.

"Good evening, whores," his whiny little voice said loudly. 

Zara glared at him, not standing up. 

"Why are you not dressed yet?" he asked. 

Zara said nothing, just continued to glare at him. 

"Either dress now, or I will dress you myself." 

Maureen looked disgusted, and she was sure she was imagining Rob's fat, pasty little fingers on Zara's muscular, tanned body. The idea was too much.

Zara stood and pulled on the lingerie then the dress and heels. She never broke eye contact with Rob, whose mouth was practically watering. Disgusting piece of shit. 

Rob opened the cell door, making both of them exit in front of him. Zara struggled walking with the height of the high heels. Maureen put out her arm to steady her and they walked hand in hand to the door at the end of the hall. By how hard Maureen was squeezing her hand, she knew she was terrified. 

After climbing the stairs, Rob unlocked the door at the top and ushered them into an empty hallway. A room full of voices could be heard not far off down the marble floored hallway. Rob pushed them forward toward the noise. 

The room fell silent as they entered, still holding hands. About 20 men filled the room, all in tuxedos, holding drinks and cigars. Constantin and Gerhard walked toward them, cold smiles on their faces.

"Ah, our guests of honor are here!"

It was then she saw the bed frame with a mattress and silk sheets on it near the front of the room and a video camera behind it. Two chairs stood in front of it. A bolt of ice went up Zara's spine. What could they possibly be planning?

"Oh, isn't that cute, the 'lesbians' holding hands," Gerhard said, making air quotes when he said the word "lesbian."

Zara glanced over at Maureen. She was looking at the bed, a look of horror on her face. Zara squeezed her hand to bring her back. They could not show fear. 

"Gentlemen, should we welcome the ladies to their conversion party?"

Conversion party? She should have known this was what they were planning. Some kind of gay conversion bullshit. For their own entertainment.

Constantin started to clap, the other men joining him. 

"All these gentlemen are so excited to be at this party to celebrate you becoming straight that they each paid over 50,000$ to be here, each," Gerhard said. 

Zara stared at Constantin, squaring her shoulders towards him, her head held high. Many questions filled her head, but she wouldn't give him the satisfaction. 

"We saved you ladies the best seats, right at the front," Constantin said, "Come now." 

He started to walk towards the bed. Neither woman moved.

Fire and Ice: Zara and ReeseWhere stories live. Discover now