Chapter 8

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After EJ had made her some waffles we just sat there, but I didn't mind. I was looking at her. She's so Young, why is she here with them.

She shifts and squirms.

"Big sis."

My dazed stare leaves.

"Yeah baby?"


"Do you ever think you know something,like it was a memory. But it leaves?"

EJ tenses up,

"What are you talking about sall's you know that's not how it works?"

"EJ is right baby, eat you're waffles before they get cold."


She looks like she is deep into thought.

She is right. I have. I can only remember the darker of my life, parents are dead was sent to a family members house, I can't remember who, but my parents are dead and I.

Well I am dead to the other humans.  At this point I'm not even human anymore.

I wonder now that my family is dead does anyone even miss me at all?

They aren't here so they can't know, besides they left me first. It's their fault.

They killed them self side by side.  selfishly. Left me here to suffer, but who is even suffering right now? Not me.

How can Sall's feel the same way as me? Is it this house? There is too much going on right now. I can't even breath from all of this new I formation. And it just keeps getting worse. I need a break.

: Ts:

Sally finished her food and went off to play with someone else. Shes so happy. Every now and then when I see her out of the corner of my eyes she isn't smiling she's sad and looks tired.

My eyes finding their way to the masked man who is my 'partner'. I think by partner they mean body guard he never leaves me alone I've even tried to walk away.

I found a living room type of set up. It's nice and all but the TV doesn't work or EJ just didn't want me to turn it on when I bent down to turn it on he grabbed my wrist and told me not to do it. Now we are just sitting here.

He refused to leave me alone. If I'm going to be stick here with him then I am going to have to get along with this jerk.

I yawn as I feel tired. I don't don't know why it seems that I always get Knocked out by this guy.

I set head onto his shoulder. His whole body freezes.

"What do you think you are doing?"

"I'm tired and your going to have to deal with it you act like a girl has never did this"

He moves over and turns to me. I turn to him. I was comfortable.


"The last girl who did that tried to sacrifice me and made who I am. "

  I'm already pissed off because im tired.

He sits with his back on the arm rest now.  Tired and I want to sleep. But now not only did he move but he has most of the couch to himself. Fuck this I  am going to get him out of this little fuck everyone thing.

I get up. 

"Fine I'll sit on the floor then."

He looks at me and then up to the ceiling again.

What if I? My face flushes from the thought.



I try to quickly lay down on top of his chest.


"I told you I was tried and you moved then you where going to let me sit on the floor you are going to let me sit here. You are so cold to every one. Don't be. "

"Get off of me"

"Fuck off you are going to get used to people showing affection to you or so help me-"

"Fine but you try something I'll will kill you"

My face heats up, he- he agreed with me?

I smile.


He lifts his head to my ear,

" I am only doing this because Sally is watching. "

"Good then now she will help me out a lot."

"I will get you back for this one mark my words little bunny."

I lay my head down onto his shoulder and laugh.

"Will you now?"

"Yes, yes I will."

"Ok, sure, night wolfy."

"Wo- wolfy?"

He chuckled In my ear.

"You have no idea,"

By now I was fast asleep.

Third person love:

As y/n snores fill up the room, Sally walks fully into the room. She stands by the couch and fiddles with her fingers.

"You're going to kill her too?"


"She's like the others right? Only food right? She's losing her memories and you know it. She's one of slenders. "

"I'm not going to kill her. She's staying here for now."

"Is she going to be here forever?"

"I don't know Sall's"



So I'm back. If there are any errors let me know I try to get them all but I don't think I got them all.

-you're horrible writer

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