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SCIENCE HAD ENDED QUICKER than max and lucas expected. maybe it was because, by the time their teacher had arrived, almost 25 minutes had passed, or maybe, it was because they had spent so much time talking to each other that they hadn't even realised how quickly their class was passing by. the duo had left the classroom 2 minutes ago, walking around the school in search of their friends; they still had another 3 minutes before they had to get to their next class so both of them took it in their stride to look for their companions while they still had time.

"i think el has english opposite dustin's science class." max stated as they both approached the west wing of the high school. hawkins high split each grade into two sending them both to opposite sides of the school - 11th and 12th grade were sent to the north and south wings while 9th and 10th grade were sent to the east and west wings of the school. the party, still being in 10th grade, hadn't received the supposed luxuries of the north and south wing that were rumoured to be some of the best things you'll receive in your entire high school days. lucas was envious after hearing their friend steve brag all about it when they were in middle school. 

as they approached eleven's class, several whispers emerged as a crowd formed around a poster stuck on the school's notice board - which happened to be right next to el's class. lucas gripped onto the redhead's hand, her cheeks blazing to a colour that could rival with her hair (though she would never admit that to anyone if they asked) and dragged her through the mob of high school students. 

"i can't see what they're looking at." max sulked: although she was average height there were many times when she wished just to be a little bit taller.

"do you want a piggyback?" lucas responded, content with the idea. max, on the other hand, was not - stressing very much about what would happen if she jumped on his back. what would people say? what if she broke her back? being so deep in her thoughts she hadn't realised that lucas was pulling her onto his back until it was too late.

"hey!" she shouted at him, shocked by his forward actions, "put me down!"

"just read the poster and then i can put you down." he responded, flicking her shoe while doing so.

incoherent grumbles escaped from max' mouth (something about "poster being so high" and "he's such an idiot") as she leaned forward to read it.

"um, it says something about a special assembly for 10th grade and some corny tv show. nothing too special. it's starting in a few minutes." max turned from the piece of paper to look down at lucas, "can you put me down now?" 

"oh, yeah." lucas stammered, having somehow forgotten about the girl on his back. swiftly, he crouched down to a level where he was sure max could jump down from without hurting her legs.

 "cmon max, let's go pick up el and go to the hall, i'm sure the rest of the party'll get the message about the assembly." the boy didn't even wait for an answer before he started walking towards the classroom belonging to max' best friend. 

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

sorry for such a short chapter and not uploading in a while, i've literally had no inspo to type. like ive got a whole plot written down but i can't be bothered to type up the chapters. bare with me i'm typing up chapter five as this uploads ABDFINOMDVU

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