When it all began

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"Come on Jason, i don't have all day".

"Yeah mom, getting dressed give me a second".

Today we're going to bail my older brother out of jail, he was involved with some drug dealers.

"I tell you, your older brother and sister are like day and night. She's in bio technology and he's dealing drugs. Your father would've been so disappointed"

"Yeah i know", i said staring out the window.

"Well your sister is visiting, she said she can't wait to see you again"

"Thought she was working on some big project and couldn't get a day off"

"Well she called last night all of a sudden and said she's on her way"

"That's pretty sudden"

"Don't complain about a miracle"

"Yeah whatever". I put my headphones on and listened to music the rest of the ride.

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We pulled up to the station and my mom started to get out.

"You coming"

"Nah, I'll just wait in the car"

She went in the station and not long after a handcuffed red head girl followed by an officer went in the building. I thought to myself what could a cute girl like her do to get arrested.

Few minutes later my brother comes out with my mother walking ahead of him her lips moving at the speed of light. As they got closer i could hear what she was saying.

"Why won't you just stay at the farm and be with your family".

He just stood there in silence.

"Sup Lil bro"

I looked at him and replied "sup".

"Not much, not much at all"

My mother looked like she was out of breathe, so the rest of the ride was in silence.

When we got home Jenny (my sister) was waiting on the porch, her new Ford fusion in front of the house.

"Hey!!" She said

She hugged my mom, my brother and then me, but when she hugged me i felt a prick in my neck.

"Ouch, what was that"

"Must have been a mosquitoe, they're all over this farm"

"Yeah, probably"

The night went on. We had dinner, dessert and Jenny had tea. We all went to bed.... except me. I opened my window and climbed on top of the roof and just stared at the stars.

Few minutes later i hear  movement in the house, it must be someone just getting some water. But then i hear whispering. I get closer to my window to hear.

"-where's the boy".

"I don't know, they were all supposed to be here".

I do not recognize these voices so out of fear i stayed on the roof.

"Well we can't leave any evidence, burn this place to the ground".

Few seconds later they were running out of the house to a dark vehicle.

"What the-"


Next thing i know I'm in the grass several yards away from the house. As I began to black out i saw a blazing fire where my home once stood.


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