Chapter four

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I lost. Like always. A damn loser. How does it matter now. Katari could see Melange fade away. "See you tomorrow"! He screamed to make sure he would be seeing her tommorow at class. He walked on his way to home. At a distance he saw a girl feeding bread to the pigeons. The carp. "Who would that be"? He asked himself. Her long green hair flew behind her. The pigeons looked happy seeing her there. He walked a bit closer. She turned around. "Rachel! You"! Katari laughed. "What's there to laugh about". She moved her eyeballs around. "Have you the story of the vampires? They stand all alone and look at the orange sky till someone walks upto them whom they can target". Katari pulled his hands out of his pocket and placed then on the grill. The pigeons weren't frightened a bit. They stood still waiting for more crumbs. "Guess they like you". Rachel threw some pieces towards the birds on the grill. "Don't they. I am glad". Katari looked up at the dark sky. It was dark but the street lights didn't forget lightning the streets up. "You should be". She tied up her hair. "Do you usually come here"? Katari asked her.

"Yes. Everyday at this hour". She replied. "I met Melange here near the beach today". Katari said. "You too talking about her. She makes people talk about her". Rachel threw the left over bread towards the pigeons. "Huh. You mean like someone who would like to gain sympathy". Katari looked at her. "Yes. Someone like that". She looked down at the pond. "Yes. I don't believe that. I mean we aren't childhood friends or something but I can get her pretty well. It's just her actions". Katari laughed. "Right. So you know everything about her. Her past and all"? Rachel plucked a flower from the weeds that was stuck in the grill. "Past? No. Nothing. She didn't tell me anything". Katari looked up at the clouds that covered the stars. "Look at this flower. Poor thing. Stuck here at the end of this rusty grill with those weeds people term waste". Rachel wiped the dust off the flower. I am talking to a typical girl. Who likes flowers and sad talks. Sad at the sunset and lively in the morning. This was an obvious thing off course. "Well. I don't really know about the flower". He said.

"Then let me tell about someone you are interested in. Melange was in second grade when she started playing the piano. Her first piano recital she sung a very cute song. I remember"....Rachel took a deep breath in.

Saw you at the corner of the road
A little butterfly I chose
Who would have know
Magic still exists
That night I lay under my sheets
Covered in that white long dress
A count and I doze off
A guy with a blue hat
Snowman dress and a huge band
I welcomed him with claps
He was on the stage feeling proud
My first live show anywhere
And he called me up
My eyes opened but I wasn't one
A normal girl on the bed
My eyes filled with tears......
Next night as I went to close my eyes
Prayed for a nice scenery, memory
A girl sat next to me
We became friends.....
I ran to school happily,
Found her it was true...
So dream what you don't desire
Leave it to the world what they want
But trust yourself please
And dream sweet.....dream sweet.

The song finished. Rachel smiled at the end of it. "Pretty. Is it called sweet dreams"? Katari asked. "How come you asked"? Rachel asked. "I write such songs hand-by-hand". Katari smiled. "Huh". Sweat dripped down her cheeks. She was so into the song. Np wonder she was a singer. "That would have been better with Melange's piano and her voice. Well that was that. Her first piano recital. Then she worked even harder for her second recital was near. The night before her second recital her mother and father went under a big fight. Her dad threw the furniture around and her mother screamed on top of her voice. She started crying. Her tears dripped on the wooden flooring down but her parents didn't care to stop. That very night her aunt, miss. V came to visit. When her aunt saw the door open she was worried and hurried in only to find her parents going crazy mad on each other. Miss. V slapped her mother and pulled her father back. That got Melange to cry even more. Miss. V carried Melange on her waist and whipped her tears. Her dad immediately started packing up his luggage. He pulled open the door so hard that it went on the verge of breaking. He left home that very night. Her mother started crying.

Melange couldn't make out what happened there since she was a kid but she knew that it caused her parents to go on separate ways. She had separated them. She blamed herself though she really doesn't know the reason that caused that fight. Not even now. Her aunt, miss. V helped her to stand up and encouraged her to play in the recital the next day. Melange became the star then. People loved her play and it was worth it. Perfect. To the point. The entire chorus and lines, fit right in. The tune created a special place for itself in people's heart. Then she spend her two years with her mother till her mother ended up in the hospital because of some genetic disease. It was sad off course but I was a kid as well and I had no ideas at that time on how to help her. She played in competitions. Won the first place in every single one of them. You must be knowing (Katari nodded). During her third competition one of her friends passed then during her sixth competition she realised her dad got married again but what happened at the end of the fifth grade was horrific. When she was going to turn 11, her mother passed away in the hospital. At that time miss. V was in the hospital but Melange was on the stage playing. When she went to visit her mother, she found her pale and cold, lying with her mouth open on the bed. Melange's eyes were filled with tears. That was when she decided to not play the piano anymore". Rachel sighed. The pigeons flew away long time before.

"Maybe they weren't interested in it". Rachel plucked the last petal of the flower and threw it in the pond. It floated with the other petals. "I couldn't do anything. I was singing in my concert. Stupid me. I should have been there". Rachel hid her face behind her hands. "I know you are feeling bad. But blaming yourself will get you know where. Trust yourself and your friend". Katari said. Oh! A typical girl really. Be bold. These are the new times. Don't eat up yourself. Such people are hard to explain. He thought. "I feel sad for her but she should try to overcome all this. I mean bad things happen with every person on earth". Katari said. He again slipped his hands in his pocket.

"No. NO. YOU ARE WRONG. You don't get it. YOU DON'T. you will never understand. WHAT WOULD YOU KNOW HOW IT FEELS. STAY HAPPY WITH YOUR PARENTS AND YOUR LIFE". Rachel screamed. He smiled and walked away.

Tune Of The Rainbowحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن