Yeji raised her brows, possibly because her question was so ridiculous. Of course Yeji wouldn't want to join. Why would she?

"What do you think?" Yeji replied, shaking her head in disbelief.

Fair enough. She had predicted such answer already. But it didn't hurt to ask. Just in case.

"Right. Well, have fun saying no to Yuna when she asks then."

That seemed to catch Yeji's attention who looked to be deep in thought before sighing.

"Fine." She admitted defeat with the most unamused expression possible. "But only because I wouldn't want to reject your sister."

Ryujin chuckled, it was pretty damn hard to say no to Yuna, she would know. The girl always pouted and batted her eyelashes at her and suddenly Ryujin was doing everything and anything she wanted.

It worked both ways though as Ryujin often used similar tactics to get what she wanted. However, hers didn't work on someone like Hwang Yeji, she's sure. Not that she had tried but Ryujin doubted that puppy eyes and a baby voice would work on her fiancée. If anything it would only work against her.

"We can take some photos of each other. Make it seem like a date." She suggested, shrugging as to make such suggestion sound more casual.

Her brain started to work in that moment. Wondering what an actual date with Yeji would be like. Of course, it's not as if she would get to experience such thing but it was something she was curious about. For some reason it was difficult to imagine Yeji having fun, let alone doing so while in the company of someone with romantic intentions.

Had Yeji ever liked someone? Had she ever had a crush or went on a date? Had this girl who she thought of as so cold hearted ever cared about anyone in such way? Had she dated them? Ryujin tried to imagine such thing and failed to do so. As far as her mind was concerned, that scenario was simply impossible.

"Speaking of date." Yeji cleared her throat before continuing whatever she was about to say. Making Ryujin anticipate it even more. "I'm supposed to attend a launch of a product from one of my parents' companies. They might have suggested that you should go with me."

Ryujin nodded, wondering if Yeji was ever going to ask her or was simply prompted to do so by her previous words. "I can do that. I'm sure my parents would expect me to be by your side in such situations so I'll earn some well behaved daughter points."

Yeji rolled her eyes, not amused by such words. Probably because she was reminded that Ryujin was indeed not the most well behaved person. Something that apparently bothered her.

"I'll send you the schedule when I get it." She offered again.

For some reason it was only in that moment that Ryujin realized something very important.

They were talking.

Sure, it was mostly small talk and it wasn't at all warm or anything of the sort. But they were actually having a conversation.

The moment this hit her, she started to feel nervous about it. Suddenly, continuing the conversation didn't seem as easy as it was a moment ago. And maybe Yeji felt the same way because she was back to silently focusing on the plates in front of her without so much as looking at her.

Maybe it was Ryujin overthinking it but the air felt tense now that had noticed how they had been communicating without fighting or one walking away.

Just as she was about to say the first sudden and possibly stupid thought just to fill the silence between them, Yuna entered the kitchen. Her hair slightly messy and yawning as she rubbed her right eye with the back of her hand. She looked like the tallest little kid in the world, it was rather adorable.

"Morning." She said, her voice noticeably different from having just woken up.

Ryujin smiled, "Morning, sis."

"Good morning, Yuna."

They spoke at the same time, causing both of them to look at each other before immediately looking away as their eyes met, focusing on Yuna instead.

"Oh, this looks amazing." Yuna said, looking at all the food still on the table. Immediately sitting down to start to eat. Choosing to sit besides Yeji. Ryujin pouted, earning an innocent smile from her younger sister who immediately started a conversation with Yeji.

Yeji who suddenly didn't mind being bothered and having conversations. And Yeji who glanced at her curiously from time to time, probably trying to see if she would be showing any signs of jealousy this time around.

She didn't. But Ryujin would be lying if she said she didn't still feel jealous about it all.

Sure, the both of them were simply acquaintances and nothing more, but that seemed to already be more than her and Yeji were after two months of sharing a house. And that, she thinks, justified jealousy.

(Author's note: sorry for the slow updates)

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