The Romanogers beginning

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It had been just a day of training with Steve, Natasha had completely beaten him up for a 5th day in a row, he had bruises crawling down his arm and tiredness lurked all around him. Steve had brought her to the exact same place where Howard Stark had turned him into a super soldier, the place where skinny Steve Grant Rogers turned into the mighty captain America. He roughly slammed open the doors to the room, letting Nat pass through first. Her eyes widened at the machine that stood in the middle, to her surprise it wasn't as dusty as it seemed. The walls glowed Ivory, and the glass shined above them.
"It's bigger than I thought" she mumbled.
Steve leaned on one of the rails, looking up at the dimmed lights. "Well, they had to have room to fit me in" Steve smirked, slowly approaching her. Natasha swung herself into the main experimenting area, where the machine was actually located. She lay across the machines surface, shuffling into a comfortable position.
"Will I become captain America now?" Nat glanced at him, as he slightly laughed. Steve made his way up to her, brushing his fingers against the controls.
"I'm not sure that this machine could give you the muscles I have" he poked at her arms and teased her slightly. He climbed on top of her beginning to tickle her, he knew automatically that she hated it when people did that to her.
"Oh, and don't forget the Abs" he added, continuing to moving his fingers down.
"No Steve. Stop . No" She rolled around, barely controlling her laughter.
He gradually stopped, there giggling echoing throughout the room. Natasha looked up at him, as his body Leaned over her, the room went completely silent. It only took seconds before she wrapped her arms round him and her lips passionately pressed against his. Steve roughly began to take her jacket off, slipping his off as well. Natasha grasped his belt, pulling it apart and slightly moaning as Steve bit her neck playfully. It happened all too fast, before she knew it, he was thrusting hard into her and they were barely staying on top of the surface bed. Moments past before they fell on the floor, he rolled off her and panted a little. He looked at her, practically out of breath "another round?" He asked

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Dec 27, 2014 ⏰

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