Chapter 1

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I kept on picking at my chipped nail polish as I sat at the back of the taxi

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I kept on picking at my chipped nail polish as I sat at the back of the taxi.

They were taking me to my Hosts' house, I was part of the foreign exchange student program and I was 5,061 miles away from home.

I was staying at Jay and Gloria Pritchett, they have two sons, Manny and Jo.

It was a two year thing until I graduate, so that was good.

The gate opened as the taxi went inside, it pulled up to the house

The door opened as the family came out, as I made my way out.

"Mija! I'm so happy you're here!" Gloria hugged me tightly.

"gracias por dejarme quedarme aquí contigo." I told her.

"Si, si, por supuesto, bienvenida a casa!" She said happily.

"Let's get your stuff inside, the family will be here in an hour for dinner." Jay said coming over going to the trunk.

"MANNY!" Gloria yelled.

I grabbed my trunk and Jay grabbed my duffle bag.

"Here, I got it mi lady." Manny ran over taking my trunk with him.

"Thanks." I said as Gloria took me inside.

We made our way upstairs, and into a bedroom at the end of the hall by a big window.

"This is your room! I painted it baby blue cause that's your favorite color!" Gloria smiled.

"This is your room! I painted it baby blue cause that's your favorite color!" Gloria smiled

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"It's beautiful, thank you." I said.

"Settle in, I'll call you down when everyone arrives." Gloria hugged me tightly before leaving me on my own.

It was 5:00 here and 1:00am back home, so I quickly texted dad before he went to bed, then I started putting stuff away.

After an hour of putting things away, Gloria finally called my name... well more like screamed.

I made sure my outfit was straight before making my way downstairs.

I made sure my outfit was straight before making my way downstairs

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My eyes looked around to see 8 other people here.

Gloria squealed.

"Everyone this is Maya! She is from England!" Gloria touched my shoulders.

"Hello." I said.

"I love your hair! And your pants!" A girl with the same hair as me just lighter.

"Thank you, my dad designed them." I said.

"You-your d-dad? What's your last name?" She asked.

"Lousie, Frankie Louise." I said as she squealed.

"I'm sorry about her. That's Haley, I'm Clarie, this is my husband Phil, my other daughter Alex and my son Luke."

I scanned over them as my eyes stopped on a boy with curly hair and was really cute, and hot.

"I'm Mitch, and this is my daughter Lily and my husband Cam."

"Nice to meet you all, I can't wait to get to know you all." I said.

"What part of England are you from?" Alex came over wrapping our arms together as we made our way outside.

I made my way out of the bathroom, only to bump into something rock hard.

"I'm sorry." A voice said.

Looking up, I saw it was Luke as I turned beet red.

"No, I'm sorry, I should've looked to where I was going." I said.

"You're very pretty." His eyes widened as I smiled.

"Thank you, don't look bad yourself." I flirted.

"Maya!" Manny said coming over while giving Luke a look.

Luke quickly made his way down the hall, avoiding my eyes as I felt my heart drop.

"Let's get back outside." Manny said before dragging me away.

Luke's POV;

I sighed as I sat on the couch, slapping my head.

Maya's smiled filled my mind, and the smell of her cotton candy perfume hit my nose, not to mention her accent.

Having a crush on her was an understatement, and thanks to Manny calling dibs on her, I couldn't tell her.

"Luke, you okay?" I looked up to see Alex.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I told her as she gave me a look.

"Seriously, I'm fine." I told her.

"Okay, sure... desserts being served." After that she walk away as I sighed again.

I stood up making my way outside, only to see Maya and Manny together.

She looked uncomfortable, she gave me a small smile before turning back to Manny.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2020 ⏰

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Exchange Student -Luke Dunphy Where stories live. Discover now