Chapter 23: Plans form

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-Ash's POV (we jumped about 7 hours)-

I am alone in a dark forest, with no one around. Or so I thought. I hear a soft angelic voice coming from somewhere. "Assssssshhhhhhhyyyyyy. Ccccccoooooommmmeee and find meeee!" She says in her melodic whisper. "Honey, is that you?" I say. "Yyyyyyeeeeeeeessss, it is me," she says as she jumps down from a tree. "It is me Ashy, and remember this, I might be closer than you think." She says to me winking. "But who are you then?" I say, hardly daring to believe her words. "I think you know, but I will tell you anyways. My full name is...". I try to here her but her voice cuts out, and is replaced by the frantic beeping of the alarm clock.

"Oh, come on!" I say. Why me? Why is it that just as my love is about to tell me something important, I get snapped out of my fantasy? But even if it was just a dream, I have a feeling that the love of my life is so close to me, and I'm determined to not let her go. All I want is her, but I feel like I'm missing something. And that something is her name. Even though I will still call her Honey, if I knew her name I would be able to figure out who she was. But was it even her that said my name? I think it was. I hope it was.

I make my way to my classes. And in the last class, I see a note on my desk. It says just 12 letters, but it's magical to me. The paper says: A-S-H-Y and H-O-N-E-Y. She's really here, somewhere. And then I faint.

-Serena's POV-

Well who knew his reaction would be that extreme. He literally fainted just by seeing our nicknames on a piece of paper. He probably doesn't know who the paper was from. After all I put it on his desk. He's really just too cute. He probably is super confused, and knowing Ash, he probably thinks that some supernatural force is at play here. He's really too cute. Every time I see him, it takes everything I have to stop me from hugging him tight and confessing myself and my love to him. And I can't help but giggle of what would happen if I told him that I'm Honey, and then kissed him on the lips. I think he might have a stroke or something if that were to happen. And I think I might have a stroke if he kissed back. Is it my fault I love him that much?

And I picture us dancing like the good old days under the stars and moon. I want this fantasy to be a reality, and it breaks my heart that it isn't yet. I look over to see Ash still down for the count and roll my eyes, and I decide to ruffle his hair and sing, "Wake up Ashy" before disappearing into the hallway. 

-Ash's POV-

She is really here. The paper practically confirms it. If only she knew how much I loved her. If only she knew. It's 4:05, and I am thankful that it was last period. And I can't help but loving her more. She makes me fall for her even more than I fell for her originally. And I need her to tell me who she is soon so I can get the kiss from her that I never got. And I want to know if she loves me back, I really do. I make my way to the woods for some Pokémon training, but when I go there, I hear my name being sung. "Asssssshhhhhhhyyyyyyyyy, cooooommmmmme and find me." Why does she tease me like this. So I say, "Or you could come out of hiding so I don't have to look for you." Honey pouts, "No Assshhhhy, that's not funzy. You have to find me first." Why is she so adorable? "Find me Ashy!" she says in her playful tone. "Ok ok Honey, I will try to find you." "Okie-dokey" And I start searching far and wide, under rocks, in bushes, you name it. But I can't find her. "How do you hide so well?" I pout. "Ninja training." She says, and I can't even tell if she's being sarcastic. "We continue hide and seek game soon, but I have to go for now." She says. "Well then you have to give up your hiding spot Honey." I reason. "Oh not necessarily" she says, each word getting further away. Then I realize that she is jumping from tree branch to tree branch so far. Maybe she is a ninja. Then I realize that I came here for Pokémon training. How did she know that I would be here? Why doesn't she tell me who she is yet? I think I know the answers. She did go to my summer camp, and she is probably playing a game with me to figure out how long it takes for me to find out who she is, and the timer has only been going for a few days because she just figured out that I'm Ashy. I think those are the answers. 

She is so teasing me. She used to do it all the time. And it's just another reason why I love her. And I will find her true identity. One way or the other. She wants to play hide and seek with me, but she is practically a ninja so I have to find some other way to know who she is. I don't know how I will be able to do that though, since Honey is very clever and stealthy. She didn't leave me with much. She could have asked someone else to write the note for her, so she could cover up her handwriting, and I wouldn't be surprised if she did. She IS a human though, even if she is very smart and sneaky, everyone makes some mistakes, so I will wait for her to make one. In the meantime, I will try to find other ways to know her true identity.

-Serena's POV-

After my encounter in the forest with Ash, it is safe to say that he doesn't know I am Honey. But he is quite persistent, and even though he misses the little things, he is not dumb. He has put up with this stuff at summer camp. And even though I have improved stealth wise, he used to catch me all the time, and I guarantee that eventually he will figure this out. Eventually. And I want my Ashy to figure it out, don't get me wrong. But I don't want to make it easy for him. So for now, I have to be careful with my plans. Which means I can't just hug him out of nowhere. Or kiss him. I can't do that yet. But when he figures it out, then I can do that with him. There are some ways around this, but they will take some time to set up. But for now, teasing him will have to do. I lie down on my bed, and wait for it to finally be tomorrow, because we are going to the amusement park together. I will have to be careful that I spend time with him, but not too much time that it's obvious that I'm Honey. After all, he will have to beat me at my own game, before we can date. And besides, it will be fun to watch him go absolutely insane trying to find out who Honey is. I will be happy, as long as I get to be with him in the end. But he has to earn me as his girlfriend, by beating my games. And I know he will. 

-End of Chapter 23-

Next chapter should be the carnival. Serena wants to make Ash earn her, so she decides to tease him, by not telling him. But Ash isn't that dumb, and is waiting for Honey(Serena) to slip up, so he can finally know who she is. I will see you in chapter 24 :).


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