Chapter Two: The Rabbit

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"Pardon?" I asked not knowing what he was talking about, but then I remembered the rabbit. "You should follow it." He said, as if reading my thoughts. "Excuse me?" I asked, looking over and seeing the rabbit again. It was wearing the same waistcoat, but this time it pulled a gold pocket watch out of it's pocket, and held it up facing me. I watched as the rabbit tapped it with his tiny paw; and mouthed the words "It's time." I cocked my head to the side and stared at the rabbit. 'It's time? Time for what'

"What was I talking about?" Haymish asked, making me look at him. "Um..." I said, looking over again, and seeing the rabbit had disappeared. Maybe I was going crazy and seeing things. "You were telling me about the flowers." I lied, my eyes lingering on the vacant spot. "Ah yes! The flowers around here are absolutely lovely! My favourite ones are the brown ones. They are very rare, but I do see them, and you have to be careful when smelling them because they'll break." I nodded, going along with whatever he was saying. And for the next twenty minutes, he rambled on about dead flowers.

I finally managed to get away from Haymish, but at least he was talking to me. I was the youngest family member, next to my cousins Hadley and Isla. Nobody really paid much attention to me, but as I walked around the estate, I didn't miss any of the disapproving looks, or the glares. It's easy to tell that I'm not liked much. Lots of my family said I was a disappointment because I didn't have a husband, or even a boyfriend. All my family cared about was finding your "lover" and then having as many kids as you can. I was one of the rare people to actually go to university, and do something with life. The only other people besides me that went to university was my father and grandfather Paul. Grandpa Paul was a brain surgeon, and he didn't come around much, he was always too busy with work.

The day went slowly around me. I felt like I was here for seven hours, maybe more. But in reality it was only a few. I kept thinking I was going crazy, because everywhere I looked, I saw that rabbit! It was like it was following me, or maybe it wanted me to follow it. Or maybe it was just harassing me. Any of those were possible. After seeing the rabbit for a sixth time, I finally gave into my temptation. I saw it again, and decided to follow it to see what it wanted. But before I even took a step towards it, Haldy and Isla stepped in front of me.

"Florence!" Hadley said, not even trying to cover up her sass. "Flora." I corrected her, my tone bland and icy. "Whatever." Isla said, and I mockingly smiled at her. "I see no ring." Hadley pointed out as she looked down at my hand. "And I see big bellies." I said looking at their bloated pregnant bellies, and stating the obvious. They just glared at me in response. "And I know I don't have a ring. Because unlike you two bimbo's I don't need, or want a man. I want education." I replied shooting them down. They always did this. Every family gathering they would antagonize me, and try to get to me. It wasn't going to work this time.

"Well at least we can get one, unlike you." Haldy said. "Little miss disappointment. At least we're contributing to the family legacy." Isla added, as she rubbed her swelling belly. I rolled my eyes. "Yeah sure." I said. "Twenty years old, and already knocked up by the same guy, big contributors you are." I said sarcastically. They both narrowed their eyes, and intensely glared at me. I once again over their shoulders saw the rabbit. It waved it's paw at me. "Well at least our father isn't dead!" Hadley snapped. That hit hard. I looked at her, and saw them smirk at the look on my face. I looked at the rabbit again, and it looked at me sadly. "Excuse me." I said, wiping my tears and doing exactly what Uncle Haymish had said. Follow the rabbit.

I didn't know where I was going. All I knew was that I had to follow that rabbit. I didn't know what came over me. I felt like a child. Chasing a rabbit. I felt foolish. But I couldn't stop my feet when they pulled me away, like they had a mind of their own. I saw that every once in a while it would look over its shoulder as if it was making sure I was following it.

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