((( Chapter II: The Death of Orochimaru )))

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Naruto and Ajisai were now scanning through the forest for the hideout of Orochimaru and later they find out that the Orochimaru is hiding inside the cavern.

"I've detected Orochimaru's presence with my special Rinnegan in that cave." Ajisai said.

"Let's checked it out." Naruto said.

As Naruto and Ajisai entered the cave, they saw Orochimaru.

"How did you find me?!" Orochimaru said.

Some ROOT subordinates guarding Orochimaru but Ajisai massacred them.

"Looks like you're the only one left." Naruto said.

"Think again!" Orochimaru said as he draw his Kusanagi Sword but blocked by Naruto's red Kubikiribōchō."

"Your Kusanagi are no match against my Kubikirinōchō." Naruto said. ' Fire Style: Blazing Fire Jutsu!'

Orochimaru is burned.

"Damn you brat!!"  Orochimaru said.

"I'm not done with you just yet!" Naruto said. 'Fire Style: Phoenix Flower Jutsu!'

Naruto wounded Orochimaru.

"Damn you Naruto! Who do you think you are?!" Orochimaru said.

Naruto strucked down Orochimaru in the chest with his chidori.

"What's this....? Chi....Chidori? Where did you....learned it?" Orochimaru asked.

"I've learned it for the first time." Naruto said.

Orochimaru fell down to the ground and died.

Meanwhile, back at the ROOT HQ...

"WHAT?! Orochimaru is dead?"' Danzo said.

"Naruto killed him and the ROOT ANBU guards who are protecting him." Torune Aburame said.

"Sent our ROOT patrol squad and get rid of the container of the nine-tails." Danzo said.

"Yes sir." Fu Yamanaka said.

Meanwhile, Ajisai and Naruto were now rushing through out the middle of the forest. The ROOT patrol squad were chasing them.

"Those ROOT ANBU again." Naruto said.

"Don't worry Lord Menma." Ajisai said.

Ajisai massacred the entire ROOT headquarters.

"Let's turn our intention to Danzo in his headquarters." Naruto said.

Meanwhile, back at the ROOT HQ....

"Our patrol squad is dead?!" Danzo said.

"Looks like Naruto has a bodyguard. But we don't know who it was." Fu Yamanaka said.

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