Just Hanging Out

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The idea of hanging out just sounds stupid and immature to Shadow, but Amy asking to hangout was a thing he couldn't resist, and doesn't know why. He dislikes the feeling. And it was too late to say no, knowing that something unpleasant happened to her today. He just didn't want to make her more upset. Not knowing why he cared.

Amy: So, where do you wanna go?

Shadow: Where ever you want to go. Just not the mall. Can't stand those places.

Amy: No silly! I wouldn't take you there! I know a guy like you wished malls never existed!

Shadow: Hmph...

Amy: How about..... The Park?

Shadow: The...Park...

Amy: Yeah I mean, It's a pretty peaceful place. I was just thinking you would like it there...

Shadow: Sure, Rose.

Amy: O-of course, Shadow. Let's get going.

Walking together to the park with Shadow made Amy feel much better, a sigh of relief. Shadow, on the other hand, found this very.......confusing... He's never hanged out with someone in particular. Not just anyone, but Amy Rose, apart of his main rival Sonic's Team. "Why would I hangout with someone apart of Faker's team?", he thought to himself... He didn't know why, but he finds Amy interesting. Her character, her kindness, her persuasive personality, Her concern for others, Even Himself, especially. And seeing her get rejected and ignored by Sonic all the time made him irk right there. And no matter how many time she gets a disrespectful and disgusted attitude from Sonic, she never gives up and keeps going for him... "She doesn't deserve such a reaction. She doesn't deserve him.", he pondered... Finally they're here.....

Amy: So.... Do you want to sit somewhere..?

Shadow: Sure...

Amy: Over there is a bench! Just in the right spot. Let's go over there, Shadow!

Shadow: Alright, Rose....

                                                            At The Bench..

                                                           Shadow's POV:

There was an urge that was in me since earlier today... The tone in her voice..... It sounded.... Heartbroken......These feelings are confusing to me. I don't know why I want to ask her what happened so badly. I feel... Concerned for her... I don't like it.....

Shadow: Rose.. May I ask you a question...?

Amy: Sure, Shadow! Ask me anything!

Shadow: When I bumped into you today.... I heard a sadness in your voice... Not that it concerns me.. But, Rose... What happened today...?

Amy: O-oh that..... Sonic asked to talk to me about something... 

Shadow: About what..?

Amy: About his feelings....

Shadow: What did he say..?

Amy: Well.... H-he s-said he d-didn't love.....m-me..... That h-he l-loves Sally in-instead.. A-and I'm more o-of a s-sister to him.........

She's starting  to cry. I don't like that....I hate it.... I don't want to see her cry.... It makes me feel.......Guilty.....I don't want her crying... I want her happy.... Why...Why do I feel like this... I never didn't want Rose to stop crying.... This is new to me..... I shouldn't be feeling like this..

Shadow: Rose, Are... Are you alright...?

Amy: I-I'm fine Sh-Shadow.. It's o-ok r-really  

Shadow: Rose... It's alright.. Don't cry...Please, Rose..

Amy: Shadow..... Th-Thank you.... 

She slightly lays her head on his shoulder, a yawn escaped her mouth. "She's tired.", he thought to himself. Before long, she was sound asleep. "I must take her home". And so he did. But interfered with his arch rival, Sonic...

Sonic: Hey! Shadow! What are you doing?! What happened to Amy?!? If you dare laid a hand on he-

Shadow: I was taking her home. Until you interfered with your stupid assumptions.

Sonic: Why is she even with you?

Shadow: She asked to hangout... And I agreed.

Sonic: You agreed to hangout with Amy? And for what reason? It better not be a reason to hurt her, Shadow.

Shadow: And why are you asking...? Why do you want to know...?

Sonic: Just give me Amy so I can take her home instea-

Shadow: Are you blind?!? Im taking her home already. So I suggest you get out of my way or you won't be able to go home yourself.

Sonic: Alright, fine. Just don't hurt her, Shadow. Or I will avenge her.

Shadow: You think, Faker....

Sonic and Shadow went about their way. After a few minutes, Shadow made it to Amy's house. He opens the door, looking inside of the organized house. "What a house. She's pretty organized . Another thing I like about her.... I like that about her...? What has gotten into me?". He set her down in her bedroom, covered her with a pink and white spotted blanket. Shadow walks away from her bed and to the door, closing it behind him. And decided to sleep on the couch in the living room. "What is it that got me interested in her...? She's just the same old Rose. Nothing  different. Why am I starting to find interest in her now..?". Those thoughts wondered in his head for who knows how long. After a few hours, he fell deep asleep, but alerted to keep Amy safe from harm...

Author's Note: This was longer than expected! Also please tell me any mistakes I did! I will try my best to update three time a week (or more)! Thanks for reading! Stay safe everyone!!! Yee take some cinnamon rolls too XD! 


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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Jun 24, 2020 ⏰

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