Chapter 12: The First Curse

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     With a slight sense of disappointment, he put away the book, extinguished the candle, and lay down in his bed. He soon fell asleep, but it was a restless sleep, scary and disrupting scenes clouding his dreams.

Draco didn't know why but he awoke even more tired than before he went to sleep, of which he was sure was far past midnight. Pansy woke him up that morning, reminding him they should continue working on the book and its mystery. They only had five days left, six until the start of term, to work on it and had decided to use their time well.

     Right after breakfast, they made their way upstairs towards Draco's bedroom. It was a big, rectangular room with a big king-sized bed in the middle of it, black hangings and light green covers. The walls were lined with mostly bookshelves, making their own small library. A big crystal chandelier, sending of a soft light hung from the ceiling. The walls and ceiling were painted a light shade of silver, while the door and floor comprised a dark-coloured wood.

     They sat down on the bed, and Draco started talking.

     "I finished the chapter last night—"

     "This morning," Pansy corrected. Draco narrowed his eyes as a sign to not interrupt him.

     "—and I found out about this Mirror of Erised. It's a mirror that shows the deepest desires of our hearts. Potter saw his family in it. Dumbledore said that it was being moved the next day and that, if he found it again, he will be prepared for it."

     "So that means it has something to do with the stone..." Pansy considered thoughtfully. It did make sense, in Draco's opinion, though he did not quite understand how.

     They weren't done listing their possibilities, and the day had already ended. They continued doing this until the day they had to return to Hogwarts. On the platform, they saw Granger, and though they both gave her a dirty look, she merely nodded at them, looking at Draco apprehensively.

     Draco and Pansy took a seat in an empty compartment, prepared to start the long ride towards Hogwarts, as the door was slid open. In the opening stood Granger, hands on her waist but not looking too sure of herself. She eyed Pansy warily before turning her attention on Draco.

     "I need to have a word with you," she stated calmly, gesturing to the compartment next doors. Draco sighed and nodded, giving Pansy a smile and following Granger out, the book tucked beneath his arm to keep it safe.

     They entered the empty compartment, and Granger took a seat, gesturing to Draco to do the same. He sat down opposite her.

     "What's your deal with Harry?" she asked out of nowhere, catching Draco slightly off guard.

     "What are you talking about, Granger?" he returned, raising an eyebrow. She sighed.

     "I know there's something going on, Malfoy, just tell me. What's your deal with Harry?" she repeated, troubling to keep her voice calm.

     "I don't know what you mean," he responded briskly, and he really didn't. What deal would he have with Potter?

     "Then how do you know he lives with Muggles?" she questioned, now catching Draco fully off guard and making him unable to mask his surprised expression which he knew was visible on his face.

     He sighed. He shouldn't tell her but — "It's a secret," he went with, staring at the girl in front of him uncertainly.

     She smiled slightly. "That must be, and I'll keep it that way, but I would appreciate if you at least told me." Her voice was almost pleading and Draco faltered, taking the book from beneath his arm and showing it to her, knowing she would see only white. She raised an eyebrow and looked up at him, silently demanding an explanation.

Destinia: First Year at HogwartsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang