03-brutel past

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"No, you left me. I never want to see you again."

I started to close the door but he stopped the door from shutting with his foot.

"Please, you are my only child. Jasmine please I'm your father."

He left you and your mom all alone...his selfish, he chose money over you. No kick him out!

I kicked his foot out of the gap and shut the door. I slid down the door and broke into tears. I couldn't help it, seeing him brought back to much painful memories. I don't know why but I started dialing his number.

"Diego?." I said through tears.

"Jasmine? What's wrong?!" He said in a worried tone.

"I...I." I could barely form a sentence through my cries.

"I'll be there in 5 minutes." He said and ended the call.

I still don't know why I called Diego, why didn't I call Hailey or Gwen, most importantly why didn't I call Klaus? He was the only person that knew about my father...why?

I heard a kick at the door and attempted to stand but I couldn't I just unlocked the door and he pushed it open. He saw me curled up on the floor in tears and immediately sat down next to me and wrapped me in his warm embrace. I felt safe. He didn't say a word he just held me and rubbed my back. He knew that's all i needed in that moment.

He picked me up and carried me to my bed, he placed me in it and pulled my covers over me then sat next to me.

"Tell me what happened Jas." He said with a worried look in his eyes.

"My...my father." Was the only thing I could say.

"Your father?" He said in a confused tone.

"Take my phone...call Klaus...just...just tell him that my father was here." I said as I turned in my bed.

He did as he was told.

"Klaus?" Asked Diego into the phone.

"Diego? Why do you have Jasmines phone?" Questioned Klaus.

"That's not important, she called me crying and I came here and found her crying on the floor. She just says that I need to tell you that her father was here." Said Diego

He seemed shocked at Klauses reaction, Klaus immediately ended the call after Diego's sentence and I knew he was on his way over.

"Jas, please tell me what I can do?" He asked

"There's nothing you can do, just don't leave me alone please." I said

He nodded and sat next to me rubbing my back in a supporting way. That's all I needed right now. I will phone my mom tomorrow morning to let her know his back but let's let her have a good night sleep at least. Before I knew it I heard a knock at the door. Diego walked downstairs and went to the door.

"Jasmine! Where is he?!" I heard Klaus shout.

Klaus came charging into my room, and when he saw me curled up in my bed he immediately fell to the floor.

"Did he...did-" Klaus tried to get the words out but he wasn't able too.

"No, I slammed the door before he could even get inside. He...he knows where I live. How did he find me."

Klaus sat next to me and took my face in his hand and just gave me this look that made me feel like maybe everything will be okay.

"I got you, I'll find him and make sure to keep a closer tab on him this time okay. He won't get to you again. I promise." He said and I knew he meant what he said.

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