Chapter 10

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"A date? I can't believe that the Alexis Ricci went on a date, and with Noah Petrov." Sienna gushed.

I rolled my eyes and leaned against my head bored. "It wasn't a date."

She snorted, "Yeah right, you even kissed him on the cheek."

"Only as a way of thanking him, nothing more. So please cut it out." I sated.

She sat up to look at me. "Well have you talked to him at all?"

It only has been a day since my day out with Noah and I had to admit that I was once again avoiding him but I would never admit that to Sienna of course.

"No, we have bigger things to worry about, like you. When are you going to tell your mother about your pregnancy?" I said trying to change the topic.

She bit her lip and slid her hand across her forehead. "I don't know, I was thinking about keeping it a secret for a little longer. Maybe she won't notice."

"Sienna, you can't be serious. You will be stuck in the safe house with her for a long time, at least until we take care of the Mexican Mafia. You can't hide your pregnancy for that long plus your bump will start to grow soon and you leave today."

She slouched over, "I don't know, I don't want her to be disappointed in me. She had such high hopes for me, you know? I feel like I failed her." her lips trembled slightly and I brought her into my arms.

"I know your mother, and I know she just wants you to be happy. She'll support you no matter what you do, but you have to tell her all this stress isn't good for you or the baby." I said.

She nodded her head before sitting up and wiping her tears. "I will, but I have to go pack, we will be leaving soon and I would hate to be stuck with one outfit the whole time that we're there."

I laughed as she exited the room and then in walked Allen.

"Hi, Champ," I said as he sat on the edge of my bed, he sent me a half smile which he only did when something was really bothering him.

I scooted close to him. "What's wrong?" I asked.

"The whole safe house thing? Is it really necessary? Mom told me about how she once had to go before because Dad had gotten into some trouble with the Russian Mafia after killing his father. Somehow they managed to find her still, and the whole idea of the family being split up doesn't sit well with me." He said, I could hear the worry clear in his voice.

I would have to say that out of all of us Allen has lived the most normal life. He didn't face the dangers as Armando and I did and definitely wasn't kidnapped by some psycho woman as I had been.

"Look, I would tell you that we won't be apart for long but I don't know how true that is, but I do know that mom would never allow anything bad to happen to you. You'll be safe without a doubt and this safe house no one would be able to find." I said.

"What about you and Armando?"

"Don't worry about the two of us we can handle our own." I smiled "We've been trained for this."

"It just doesn't seem fair." He sighed.

"What doesn't?"

"Why can't our family ever be happy? Mom and Dad went through so much shit, and then the accident that happened to you a few years back and n-now this."

His mentioning the accident made me flinch a bit but I turned and hugged him tightly. "Because everyone knows how powerful we are, they hate to see it."

He laughed "I don't consider myself as "powerful" but you're right."

"Nonsense, no one else can devour a whole buffet the way you can."

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