“A whole year?” I asked, knowing she’d get it.

“Maybe, honestly, there’s nothing to worry about, think of it as, erm, gang training.” She told me, yeah, like I’d fall for that one. “High school’s vicious, only the strongest survive.” That was the biggest load of bull I’d ever heard. “And you could improve your undercover skills by not mentioning anything about gangs, pretending to be normal.” Bollocks.

“Mmm-hmm.” I answered, rolling my eyes.

“Yeah, like she’d fall for that, Kadee.” Shane was on my side.

Everyone else nodded in agreement. “Hey, my cousin Vinnie used to teach, but he got kicked outta his school for using the basement as hiding place for his money maker.” One gang member said. Sammie, I think it was. Silence.

“Which was?” Kadee asked, expecting it to be some kind of secret or person.

“A printer!” He answered.

We all burst out laughing while my sister looked rather cross and stalked off into the kitchen. Even Kai was laughing a bit.

“Jeez, Sammie. So, how is Vinnie?” I asked.

“Fine but he’s in prison in Columbia for the fifth time.” Sammie sighed.

I raised a brow. “The last time I checked he’d only been in the Columbian prison three times. And that was last week.”

“Oh, they let him out the day after you asked, he did something again and got arrested and then he made a break for it but they caught him.” He replied.

For a few seconds I did the maths in my head. “Right...” I answered slowly.

“So Nadia, who’s the chump?” Alex asked.

“Kai. He was the one being initiated but and it looked like he didn’t want to kill me, so I thought I’d save him, the alternative was sending an innocent to the cops.” I replied.

The gang just nodded, not pressing the matter further. “So? What do we do with him?” Phil asked.

We all stared at Kai for a few seconds.

“Beats me.” I answered. After a few seconds we all shrugged simultaneously. “Oh well.” I sighed, trying to help Kai to his feet.

He recoiled back, scared.

Shane sighed. “We’re not gonna bite, dude, we just saved you from being arrested by the cops.”

“Which reminds me, Vivo, can you look him up, to make sure what I’ve heard was true?” I asked.

“Anything for you.” He replied with a wink.

I grinned. Vivo was our smarty in the gang, he could find out anything. Hack anything. Do anything on the computer. “Thanks.” I told him.

“It’s fine, kid, you are still our little princess.” He ruffled my hair before going to the research room to look him up for me.

“Later Vivo.” I called

“See you later hun.” He answered, over his shoulder.

Shane chuckled under his breath. “What?” I asked.

“You look ridicules!” He laughed, only just realising my outfit, in all the stress and fast movement before he mustn’t have noticed it.

I rolled my eyes. “Shut up Shane.”

“Go and change, kiddo.” He told me, shoving me in his oh so brotherly way towards the stairs, still laughing slightly.

When I was halfway up the stairs I stuck my tongue out at him and then sprinted the rest of the way up, once I got to my room I saw what he meant. I did look rather odd, my hair in a curly pigtail quite high up on my head, my outfit bright and colourful and my makeup was natural but noticeable. Don’t even get me started on the many different coloured bracelets and bangles on my tiny wrists and the long beady necklace around my neck. I looked so normal it was laughable. “Ugh.” I moaned, raking a hand through the hair I had recently let down.

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