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Cass wanted to curl up in a ball and cry. She had had another shower and now Clarisse and Narcissa were helping her get ready. Clarisse has been unusually quiet, glancing at the door every so often as if someone was about to burst through it.

Narcissa had applied some concealment charms to Cass as best as she could but there was no covering the extent of the bruises, scars and fresh wounds that littered her body. Cass sighed heavily, eyeing herself in the mirror.

"Are you sure you want to go through with this?" Narcissa whispered so that Clarisse couldn't hear. Cass met her eye in the mirror.

"What choice do I have?" Cass said dully. She had given up all hope of getting out of her marriage what felt like a long time ago. "He loves me. I..."

"He doesn't." Narcissa shook her head. "If you love someone you don't treat them like how he treats you."

"It's because he loves me." Cass insisted. "He only does it because I deserve it."

"You don't." Narcissa said softly. "No one deserves to be treated like that."

"Well, maybe I do." Cass said stubbornly. "I have to do this Narcissa, it's do it or die and I couldn't do that to Sirius, no matter what."

"Okay." Narcissa whispered. She set about pulling Cass' hair into a neat updo. Clarisse was flicking absently through a copy of witch weekly, Cass glanced at it and had to bite down hard on her lip to stop herself from crying.

I want to write for witch weeklys feminism section. Marlene had said. Now, Cass would probably never know if she achieved her dreams. The door opened and Cass jumped.

"Knock knock." Regulus said, sticking his head round it. Cass let out a sigh of relief.

Narcissa tied the last piece of hair into the updo and stepped back so Cass could greet her brother. Cass didn't waste any time in practically jumping into his arms, wrapping her arms tightly around his neck.

"How are you?" Regulus asked.

"I'm fine." Cass said. Regulus knew she was lying, he could see it in her eyes. She looked like she had been to hell and back, to say the least. "How are you?"

"Yeah, I'm good." Regulas said.

"Ah Regulus, eet ees très bien to see you!" Clarisse said, kissing Regulus on both cheeks.

"Hi Clarisse." Regulus said. "Look, I'd better get back, I only said I'd come and say hello."

Cass didn't want him to leave. She settled for giving him another hug.

"Sirius... is he okay?" She murmured into him. Regulus nodded every so slightly. Cass let out a sigh of relief.

"Cassiopeia, we need to do your makeup." Narcissa interupted. "Sorry Regulus, we can't be late."

"It's okay." Regulus forced a smile. "I'll see you before the ceremony, okay?"

Cass nodded, going to sit back down in front of the dressing table.

"Only une hour to go Cassiopeia." Clarisse said. "Exciting non?"

"Oui." Cass said.

No, it most certainly wasn't.


Sirius found himself once again in Dumbledore's office, accompanied by James, Peter, Remus, Lily, Alice, Marlene and Dorcas. McGonagall was tapping her foot impatiently as they waited for Dumbledore to return from telling the ministry.

little miss blackOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora