How you met

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Evan "Buck" Buckly

"You met Buck at the Fire Department as their new candidate"

You breathed in heavily, standing outside of the Los Angeles Fire Department.

Guy.... Something I can help with? A voice spoke, bringing you out of your thoughts.

Y/n.... Uh- y-yes. Sorry. I'm the new candidate.

Guy.... Your L/n? He asked, walking closer to you as he placed his bag on his shoulder.

Y/n.... Yes. And you are? You asked, holding your bag in your hand.

Guy.... Evan Buckley. But you can call me Buck.

Y/n.... Buck?

Buck.... Yes. Around here we all have nick names.

Y/n.... Good to know. How does that work exactly? You asked, as you walked in with him.

Buck.... We choose it. And since this is my turn to choose your name, I think I'll have fun with it. After we get to see what you can do I'll decide, your fate.

Y/n.... Guess, I'll have to impress. You said, as you walked into the department.

Edmundo "Eddie" Diaz

"You met at a coffee shop"

You were sitting at a booth in a small, quiet and quaint coffee shop. Every time someone entered the coffee shop, you'd raise your head from reading your book and see who was entering.

Again the bell rang instantly making you check, when you saw a young man with a small boy scanning the room to see if there is any place to sit.

Nothing, nothing at all. The entire coffee shop was full.
Just as they were about to leave, you saw the slight disappointed look on the boy's face making you jump up and running towards them.

Y/n.... Sorry to bother you. But I couldn't help see you'd be leaving- and- well I thought we could share a booth. It's way to big, and-

Boy.... Can we dad, please?

Man.... I suppose so.

Y/n.... After you- uh?

Boy.... Christopher. He said, with a smile. And this is my dad, Edmundo.

Y/n.... I'm y/n. You said, as they took their seats at the booth.

Eddie.... Thank you. My son really wanted to come here today, and I didn't want to disappoint him.

Y/n.... Your a good father. Okay, how about you guys order anything on the list, on me.

Christopher.... Really?

Eddie.... We can't.

Y/n.... Don't worry about it. O, Lizzie. Could you get these two gentlemen anything they want from the menu.

Lizzie.... On the owner's tap?

Y/n.... Yup. You said, placing your book in your bag.

Eddie.... Wouldn't the owner get mad? I wouldn't want to take advantage of anyone. He said, as he took the menu flipping it open for his son.

Y/n.... Not at all. Seeing as I'm the owner. You said with a smile.

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