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Hari Jamie Potter was quite different then other girls. Most girls at the age of eight weren't cooking and cleaning for their families, or already knowing how to sew clothes. Hari had to know how to sew of course, as her cousin Dudley's clothes were way too big for her. Hari's aunt was at least kind enough to give her a few rolls of thread. Besides that, it was the fact that she could see things that others couldn't. She doesn't mean ghosts, spirits, or the like. She could see trails of color in the world. She remembers seeing an old man wave at her and when she went to re-look at the man, he was gone. The only thing showing that he had even been there was the white sparkles proving his existence, and that she wasn't as crazy as her aunt made her seem.

She didn't always see white sparkles when these people disappeared. Sometimes she could see black or a form of dark grey. She thought that it was normal to bring it up with parents or family members when something crazy happens, but that wasn't the case with her aunt and uncle. Every time she would try to talk about the pretty sparkles she saw, they would shun her, and even lock her in her cupboard. Very rarely she would get hit by Aunt Petunia. She remembers screaming at them to listen to her, maybe the age of 6, and every single light and window exploded. No one would explain what happened, but the adults just said something about pressure.

This leads us to where Hari was right now. She was outside in one of Dudley's offending oversized shirts, with a shovel and sides in hand. That was when she saw a beautiful black snake.

Stupid humans. This one is small and will make a great meal. The snake hissed. Hari stared at the black snake with a curious look in her eyes.

"Mister Snake, please don't eat me. I will leave you and your home alone." Harry spoke back, but when she listened it sounded more of a hiss then speaking English.

A speaker? I have not seen one in so long! Young master, what are you doing with muggles? The snake asked as he began slithering closer to the girl who just giggled.

"I don't know what muggles are, but if you mean my aunt and uncle, I am staying with them because I don't have parents." She stated in a tone of uncertainty.

If you speak the Dark Lord's tongue, you must be magic. Tell me young one, can you see the trails of magic as well? What is your name?

"They call me Hari Jamie Potter. What is your name? Why do you call me master? Who is this Dark Lord?" Hari asked as she felt the snake's tongue flash out and lick her arm.

I do not have a name, but you can name me. I call you master because my kin, her name is Nagini, can speak with the Dark Lord in the Snake Tongue, which is what we are speaking now. The Dark Lord is someone who is trying to cleanse the world of unwanted muggle-borns. Now answer, can you see the magic?

"Aren't I a muggle-born? Were my parents magic? And yes I can see the sparkles. Some are white, while others are grey or black. Is that a good thing?"

It is an amazing thing. Now I have an experiment. Take me inside to your relatives, and ask for something.

"Won't I get in trouble?" She asked as the snake began coiling onto her arm, his head resting on her wrist. He was around 3 feet, almost as tall as Hari herself.

The snake just shook his head in a snake version of no. Guess they would find out soon

"GIRL! Where in the world have you-" Aunt Petunia cut herself off when she saw the snake on her niece's body. That was a black marble snake. One of the most poisonous in England.

"May I go to the library? My snake said that I should." Hari fibbed. If the snake had said to go, her aunt couldn't say no. The look of fear on her face was almost funny to see.

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