Scott Mctominay Pens New ManUtd Deal!

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Manchester United have announced the extension of Scott McTominay’s contract to 2025 with a further option of a  one-year extension. Red Devil’s around the world are delighted with this news after his impressive displays over the last few months.

In the absence of Paul Pogba, Scott McTominay performed exceptionally well. With Fred’s finding his feet too, the duo have left the fanbase’s opinion divided as to who cements his role once Pogba makes a return. McTominay was pretty good in the game against Spurs and seemed better than Fred.

The Scotsman knee-sliding celebration will be ingrained in our brains for his impressive goal in the 97th minute in the Manchester Derby. The 23 year old is a big game player, putting on strong performances in games against PSG and Barcelona in the Champions League last season, as well as scoring in big games for example the banger against Arsenal last year in October just before the break.

Scott McTominay shows passion like no other once on the field, I think that is one trait that everybody absolutely loves about him. He’s got a towering presence in the middle of the park and give the opposition a tough time. He’s potentially a future club captain in my eyes and still has a lot to offer. And here’s a fun fact, Manchester United have never lost to a ‘Big Six’ side, every time McTominay as started.

Below is the transcript to McTominay’s interview with MUTV.

Q: Scott, firstly congratulations on signing a new long term contract with Manchester United, how does it feel?
- Thank you very much. Yeah obviously it’s an amazing feeling to commit my future for many more years to come and hopefully they’ll be brilliant years for myself and the team and everybody involved so I’m made up.

Q: The contract lasts until 2025 with an option to extend for a further year, what does that say about Ole’s and the club’s faith and confidence in you?
- For me every time I train. every time I step on the pitch, I give my best for the manager and the coaching staff and the players around me, so for me I’ll just continue to do that throughout my duration that I’m here and maybe for as many years as possible.

Q: You’re only 23 with 75 games under your belt, scoring 6 goals and you’re a full international for Scotland, how much are you enjoying your football right now and the hard work that you’ve put in to get this stage?
– Yeah obviously, it’s a huge credit to my family, they’re the reason behind me getting to the position that I’m in today and obviously all the years they took me back and forth to Manchester, it’s a real credit to them and obviously, now’s a great chance for them to see me go on and hopefully do really well for this football club. In general I want to thank all the fans and everybody involved, coaches, past and previous, who I’ve worked with, who’ve had a tremendous influence on my young career and hopefully with the manager and the coach after we’ve got now, we can really do well and win some trophies as well.

Q: Ole has said that the academy is the bedrock of our club, you’ve come through the academy, you know the system, you know the club from a young age, how much has that helped you and your integration into that first team?
-  Yeah obviously, the manager is not wrong and has hit the nail on the head! [Smiles]  with that one you see, obviously, boys in a similar situation to myself, Marcus, Jesse, Axel, boy’s who’re doing tremendously well and obviously for me, for the younger kids growing up I want to be a role model to them, to show them how you can get to a certain level with the first team. Obviously that’s by maintaining hard work throughout a number of years and obviously for me that hard work hasn’t stopped, it continues and that’s the way I’ve been bought up through the football club so… it’s obviously an amazing feeling, there’s a lot of other things going on in the world, now that are far more important than what’s happening with me and obviously it’s a real pleasure to be involved with the football club and hopefully going forward we’ll do really well.

Q: It’s Still a very young team isn’t it, with plenty of room for growth, how excited are you about the future for Ole and this team?
-  Yeah, very excited, you see the team we’ve got now, it looks amazing and obviously for everybody looking on the outside looking in they should be saying that we’ve got a really good chance to go on and do really well. Obviously for us it’s the chance to keep our feet on the ground we have to keep training every day, listening to the coaching staff, listening to their ideas that they’re portraying us and to put that into practice on the pitch and obviously. It’s strange with no fans at the minute but hopefully with due time we will be able to get that back to normal and resume where we left off after the last game.

Q: And you mentioned the fans, what would you say to the Manchester United fans worldwide who keenly support you?
– Yeah it’s an absolute honour to play for you and play in front of you every week. I’m somebody who gives absolutely everything for this football club and the badge that I’m wearing. Their support means more than could ever imagine and I just want to keep doing well, keep trying to score goals and stay in the team. It’s been a pleasure so far but we’re not done yet.  

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