Any Male Character

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You, discovering his affair was not like others.

Caught in act?
No. Too overrated.
Saw them together?
No. Too cliche.
A kiss mark on his neck.
Nah. Too obvious.

It was actually in a unexpectedly way.

You were doing your laundry and cleaning in the house.

When you begin to discover ...things.

That don't belong to you.

First inside of one of his jeans was a single pearl earring.

Which very obviously doesn't belong to you.

Then second in one of his jacket pockets was a phone number written in a scented pink paper.

Three when you were cleaning the couch a used condom was in there probably just used days ago.

And if you remember correctly you and him never did the 'thing' for over a month.

Four a lacy blue bra under the fuzzy carpet on your bedroom.

And finally five you found a black lingerie at the back of the fridge.

All in all you gathered this things just in one day. Your cleaning day.

As a worker who works at (w/n) of course when it's holiday did you have time to clean the whole house.

And the thought that this is what you will discover.

You can't help but only sight.

You don't really know what to feel, honestly.

But you could guess one thing.

That the most emotion you could feel right now is relief.

You don't know why.

Maybe because you're done with him and just waiting for the time to end it.

Or it's just that you're tired of putting up the act that you love each other even if it's really not?

For 6 years of marriage this was the first time you felt the true relief.

You smiled weakly as you removed your ring.

Staring at it you can't help but remember.

His proposal.

The wedding.

And all the things that you've went through.

"Finally it's over," you breathed as you gathered the things you've discovered.

Finished with all the household task now you only need to do one thing.

Grabbing a suit case you begin to gather your clothes and things in a hurry.

Literally just stuffing it on your case not caring at all.

After half an hour you've finished zipping it at last.

The things you've gathered.

You put them on the bed together with your ring, a pregnancy test and the divorce papers that you've already signed about a year now.

Not looking for one last time you closed the main door as you grab your suit cases and left the home you lived in for 6 years.


He was not expecting the surprise you've left him when he got home.

He could only gasp and cry in guilt and regret as he saw the things that made you leave him and the things that you left for him.

Most specially when he saw the pregnancy test.

You know how much he love to have a child even if he said it or not you knew just how he talked about it and imagine it.

You knew how much he wanted it.

Yet he let it slipped in his grasp when he noticed the ring and the divorce papers.

And that your clothes and you were not in there.

He had been discovered.

And he regretted it, deeply.

He regretted not to wait patiently for you to say.

"I'm pregnant,"

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