"Acting like her errand girl!" Rin snapped, shaking his head angrily as he spoke. Shiemi flinched slightly before shaking her head and pulling her hand away.

"I'm not her errand girl! I'm just helping out my friend!" Shiemi yelled, taking a step away from Rin and [Y/n]. [Y/n] could see small tears welling in her eyes. He had enough.

"You believe that? Do you honestly think that's what's going on?" [Y/n] asked, refusing to let this go on any longer. Shiemi's breath hitched as she felt her whole body go stiff. [Y/n] got even angrier when she didn't respond. "You know you don't!" [Y/n] snapped, watching the blonde as she stood in front of him, frozen in place while her eyes fixated on the floor beneath her feet.

"I..." Shiemi started, trailing off as she tried to think of the right words. Rin and [Y/n] stayed silent letting her take her time. Shiemi took a deep breath before trying again. "I'm tired of being the one who always needs help. Always hiding behind others." She explained, her voice cracking as she spoke. Both boys' gazes instantly softened as they watched their friend struggle to hold back her emotions. "I just want to..." She started, trailing off again before she gritted her teeth and balled her hands into fists. "To be strong enough to help someone out for a change!" She snapped, shaking her head as she yelled at the two shocked boys. "She is the first friend I've ever had in my whole life!" She cried, letting out all of her pent-up frustration in one go. That made [Y/n] raise his eyebrow in confusion. Her first friend? No, she wasn't. "You guys don't get it because you've both always been strong! You've always had friends!" Shiemi yelled before turning on her heel and trying to run in the opposite direction. She was quickly stopped when [Y/n]'s hand roughly grabbed her wrist. Shiemi flinched when she was stopped, trying and failing to free herself from [Y/n]'s grip. The [h/c]-haired male growled lowly while glaring at the blonde. Rin gulped nervously, worried by the serious look on [Y/n]'s face.

"Shiemi, I don't know who gave you that idea but I've never had any real friends until I came here." [Y/n] started, keeping his voice calm and steady. Shiemi and Rin went wide-eyed at the announcement. Rin just looked at his friend in shock while Shiemi slowly turned back to face him. "You, Rin, Bon, Koneko, Shima, Yukio. You're all the first real friends I've ever had." [Y/n] admitted, his hands trembling as he thought back to how much his life had changed in such a short time. He had never had actual friends before. None except for him. But after all this time could he truly count him? True Cross was incredible and he loved it. He compared his time with his classmates to his time with him and they were similar but they were also so very different. He shook off his internal thoughts, focusing back on the surprised girl in front of him. "But even so, I know that what Kamiki is making you do isn't her being your friend." He announced, giving Shiemi the most serious expression he could get across the fact that he meant what he was saying. Both Shiemi and Rin were silent for a moment, both of them trying to fully process what [Y/n] had just said. Once he got over the sudden outburst, Rin stepped forward.

"He's right." He spoke up, gaining Shiemi's attention as she turned to him with teary eyes. The two just stared at each other for a moment until Rin put his hands on his hips and sighed. "And what's this about her being your first friend? What? Are we chopped liver or something?" Rin asked, half-joking and half-meaning it. Shiemi gasped in shock as she quickly looked from Rin to [Y/n] and back, both of whom seemed to be waiting for her answer.

"N-No, I..." She stuttered out, trailing off as she tried to think of a way to describe how she was feeling. She did care about the boys but something about Kamiki was different. Maybe it was because she was a girl and the guys always looked so happy around the other guys. Maybe that's just what she wanted too. She shook her head as she finally arranged her thoughts. "I-" She was immediately cut off by the sound of bloodcurdling screams coming from inside the washroom. All three of them went wide-eyed as they whipped their heads toward the source of the screaming. "That sounds like Ms Kamiki and Ms Paku!" Shiemi panicked, worry instantly filling her mind. [Y/n] instantly let go of her wrist before sprinting straight toward the washroom, busting through the door without a second thought.

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