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Ash pov
I look up and see Colby. I smile hud him and cry into his chest. "Ash I just want you. And you may not want me but-" I cut him off by kissing him. "I love you too." I said tears filling my eyes. We sit there hugging then we both walk into the detention room. "Ms. Smith you don't have detention anymore." The teacher says. "I know but I wanted to come." I say and smile at Colby. "How did you get out of detention?" He asks me. "I have my ways." I wink at him and sit down in a seat. He just laughs at me and sits next to me. I see Kayla walk in the room looking for me. I pull away from Colby just then. "Hey! We need to talk!" She says sounding a little mad. I go to the hallway with her. "Stick to the plan! You can't fall for him." She says frowning a little. "I know it's just hard. I've learned to love Colby. I don't have that with everyone." I say looking down at the floor. "I know but he's just for information." She says nodding at me. "Yeah, I know." I say frowning. I really did love Colby and hated using him like this. I walk back into the classroom and paste a fake smile on my face. "Hey everything okay?" Colby asks me. "I'm fine. I swear. She was just going out with a friend and wanted me to know." I say making up an excuse. "With who?" He asks. Great! I don't know his name. "That kid in our science class. The one with dyed hair. You know?" I don't know if that was a great description. "Oh your talking about Jake. Yeah he's Sam and I's friend." He says smiling. "They seem to really like each other." I say leaning into him and smiling.

Detention was only an hour but felt like shorter. Being with Colby made the time go by fast. "How did I get lucky enough to have you?" I ask him. "I'm the one who's lucky." He says making me blush. "You look cute when you blush. It takes away from all the black you wear." He says smirking at me. "Are you trying to say that I wear too much black?" I ask acting offended. I grab my chest and take in a breath. We both laugh and walk out of the class. He grabs my hands and turns towards me. I smile at him and stare into his ocean blue eyes. "See ya tomorrow." I say to him squeezing his hands. "Can't wait." He says and with that we part ways.

Watch over you// Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now