Start from the beginning

Truthfully jasmine says. "I was raised by mine
And elanas Adopted parents my whole life living a lie to find out my uncle John was our biological
Father. I lived in the shadows of my sisters foot-
Steps she had mom and I had dad, so no I don't
Know how to feel because I was raised differently.
But after having Riley and Lola things changed."

Jasmine didn't realize she had a tear fall from
Her face, Elijah sat his hand on top of hers
Gaining her attention he offers her a small smile.

"I will always protect you. Nicklaus and I both
Along with your daughters you have my word on
That." He tells her causing her to smile.

"And Nobel Elijah always keeps his word." Klaus
Says the two now noticing him standing in the
Doorway. Feeling her cheeks heat up jasmine
Looks away. Elijah stands up facing Klaus.

The tension in the room was awkward, so Elijah
Broke it. "Is it done?" He asks.

"As a matter of fact, yes. Your underhanded deal
Worked quite well. Marcel was to happy to
Accept my blood and marcel was too happy
To accept my blood and my heartfelt apologies.
His man Thierry yet lives and I remain a welcome
Guest in the French Quarter. My only concern
Now is this coven of impudent witches." Klaus
Answers the end with a unknown look.

"I believe they are honorable. They released
Jasmine to us. They could easily kept her even
Though that would never happen but, they know
She's safe with us. Although we need to get
Lola and young Riley after what Sophie Deveraux
Said about them having the power to protect
Their mother their safe here with us. And they
Haven't entirely forthcoming. Marcel obviously
Have something they need. They don't want
Him dead. There must be a reason why." Elijah
Tells the brunette and his brother.

Then he walks away to find out, but not before
Giving jasmine a kiss on the back of her hand.
Only to cause Klaus to look at them in jealousy.

Leaving the two couple alone, Klaus makes his
Way in front of jasmine looking at her with loving

"Hello love." He says wrapping his arms around
Her waist.

Smiling up at her hybrid boyfriend she says.

"Hello my handsome hybrid." Klaus chuckles and
Grabs her hand interwinding them together.

"Come on I'll show you our room." Both make
Their way up the stairs to their room.

Couple of hours passed it was now night time and
Jasmine was putting on her pajamas, having a
Nice warm shower that soothed her worries away.
Klaus had got her a new phone and the first thing
She did was call the others back in Mystic falls.
Klaus had went back to get the girls and their
Stuff to bring to New Orleans.

After telling her friends and siblings what
happened And that she's okay and safe the last person she Called that went different directions was Damon Salvatore the father of her two children.

Damon was Upset and hung up on her telling her that he needed time after being knocked out for days in the cemetery Jasmine had gotten her memories back of her and Damon and to say she felt bad was a total Understand- Ment. Jasmine felt bad and every Time she would step out anywhere the flashbacks Would occur in front of her.

Jasmine thought it would be best if Damon had
Time to understand and forgive her. It's not
Like he wouldn't, the blue eye vampire is in love
With the twin doppelgänger.

Putting her hair up in a messy bun jasmine leaves
The bathroom and sits at the edge of the bed.
Just as she was ready for bed she hears voices
All to familiar a smile grows on her lips at the
Voices of her girls.

Fast as she could she sped walked downstairs,
Once getting down there she was crushed in a
Hug by arms.

Looking down she sees its her daughters, a laugh
Fell from her lips as she hugged them back tears
Of happiness fell down her face. She was happy
To finally have her daughters back in her arms.

Riley and Lola cry too happy to see their mother.
They had missed her so much, Lola had tried
Using a spell to find her mom, but she couldn't
She had used lots of Bonnie Bennett's spell books
But Bonnie had told the thirteen year old she
Needed practice.

And after seeing the crazy Kai Parker around in
The border house, Lola has took lots and lots of
Notes on the siphoner witch. He might have been
A psychopath but he was nice to the two young
Girls teaching them when the others weren't

"Oh, I can't believe you guys are actually here!"

Jasmine says backing away, taking a look at them
She brushes Riley's hair away and presses kisses
On both of their heads.

Both Elijah and Klaus watch the three pair with
Smiles on their faces, but what both the two didn't
Know was that both of them where looking at
Jasmine with admiration and loving eyes.

Both Riley and Lola smile at each other and look
At their mother. "We missed you two mom, aunt
Bonnie and daddy and uncle stefan tried looking
For you and me and Riley tried to use a spell but
It didn't work Aunt Bonnie says we need practice.
Daddies been going crazy along with aunt Lena."

Jasmine frowns, then looks at the two men a foot
Ahead. She felt her heart break, jasmine felt bad
For worrying her friends and siblings mostly her
Ex boyfriend the father of her daughters, he had
To watch them and worry where she was and at
The same time have more trouble in mystic falls.

Riley looks at her mom to see the sadness in her
Eyes, frowning Riley quickly hugs her mother.
She hated seeing her mother sad or mad and hurt.
She always liked to cheer her up with either a hug
Or ice cream where as Lola liked to cheer her
Mother with movies and showing her powers
To her.

Jasmines frown goes into a small smile as she
Returns the nice hug from her twelve year old.

But what they all didn't know was the trouble that
Was heading their way.

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