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Enter Louise Brooks

Dancing bears, painted wings
Things I almost remember
And a song someone sings
Once upon a December.

A droplet of sweat traveled down her upper lip and off her chin. Louise had forgotten just how hot these stage lights could get. Her fists grasped anxiously at the scratchy cardigan pooling around her hips. Flitting around the room, her gaze caught the eye of Tina Cohen-Chang. She wanted this.

She did, didn't she?

Someone holds me safe and warm
Horses prance through a silver storm
Figures dancing gracefully
Across my memory.

Was she good enough? She knew she was good... but was that enough? The audience wasn't letting anything slide, not even a smile. She focused on her breathing. Diaphragm, not chest. This was possible. This was possible for her if she just wanted it enough. And she did. She did want this. She tried life without music. This... the stage. She wanted to start all over again.

So, she sang the song where it all began. A quivering hand grasped the mic stand in front of her, giving her wobbly legs some support in holding up her weight. Bend your knees. Pass out later, not here. The slight movement of Mercedes Jones caught her eye. She leaned forward. Was she listening? I mean, really listening?

Far away, long ago
Glowing dim as an ember.

Mouth open. Wider. Tongue down. Let the sound resonate within your throat. You deserve to be here.

Things my heart used to know
Things it yearns to remember.

Eyes closed, she gave everything she had. This song. Why did she choose this song? Did it show off her range? Enough to show what she could do? She sabotaged herself before anyone else even could!

And a song someone sings
Once upon a December.

A strong clap. It sounded faster and faster, until others joined in. She stared out from center stage. It was this feeling. This was the feeling she was chasing.

All of the air rushed back into her lungs. She stepped back from the mic, relishing in the warmth blooming within her chest.

"Name again?" Mercedes asked.

"Louise Brooks." Her legs shook as she scurried off the stage, skipping the final two steps with a jump. Her hand was already outstretched in front of her when she approached the group of Glee Club members.

"Lou." She self-corrected. Louise shook Kurt's hand first, squeezing a little too tightly with the adrenaline pumping through her veins. Her grin grew big and infectious, as she continued on to Tina. Mercedes was reaching for a hug before Louise could turn fully to face her.

"Mr. Schue should still be in his office." Mercedes slipped a warm arm around Louise's. The smiles on their faces instilled a familiar pride in her heart.

"Think you can do that one more time?"


"Oh, please. She has a family. She's a mother."

A horde of students gathered around, engrossed in the sudden brawl broken out between two of McKinley's star Cheerios. Louise stopped in her tracks at the sound. Peering around some of the taller heads, she could just make out Quinn Fabray's thin body being flung onto the tiled floor. Her shoulders tensed at the sound Quinn's skull made as it smacked against the lower lockers on her way down.

In the Wings - Sebastian SmytheWhere stories live. Discover now