part 16

519 16 26

(a/n: just for the record, i'm a rui enthusiast)

dum dum bubblegum lookin group chat


iz.moca: it's time.

ran_away: ?

@iz.moca added: @nami, @ruiyashio, @mashimashi, @towkow, @futba

ayamaru: Welcome to the group chat, Morfonica!!!

iz.moca: hi guys welcome to the dark side

mashimashi: ahh hi :)

ruiyashio: Hello

iz.moca: hello with a capital h

iz.moca: rui scares me

ayamaru: Don't be so rude :((

towkow: What's poppinggg

iz.moca: @lllisa look it's your adoptive child


towkow: LISA HEYY

futba: surrounded by so many popular bands... i could give you all a ten page essay on all of your backgrounds... i luv you all so much...

towkow: Futaba's a band geek, she reads up on this stuff a lot!

ayamaru: Aww, we love you guys too!!

iz.moca: where's nanami

nami: in the highest clouds basking in the most soothing breeze

iz.moca: is she another kaoru or something,,

towkow: Kaoru is more poetic, Nanami just kind of says whatever comes to mind

ruiyashio: I remember when I spent time with Kaoru

ruiyashio: It was quite frightening.

romeoo: rui is here!

romeoo: ah, rejoice, rejoice, oh people of this chat, for we have been granted the presence of a wonderful little kitten!

ruiyashio: I'm frightened again.

jul.liet: Kaoru, tone it down a bit

romeoo: forgive me

romeoo: it's nice to have morfonica joining us :)

mashimashi: it's great to be here, thank you so much for adding us!!

iz.moca: oh wait until you see yukina messing up internet slang

iz.moca: you won't be thanking us then.

yukinaminato: *Reads chat* Hello, Morfonica.



username legend for morfonica: 

nami: nanami hiromachi

ruiyashio: rui yashio

mashimashi: mashiro kurata

towkow: touko kirigaya

futba: futaba tsukushi

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