Starting the Group Chat

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dum dum bubblegum lookin group chat


@iz.moca added: @chisatos, @hakanai.wa, @ran_away, @tomnoe, @himar.ri, @ko.kokokoro, @hagum.y, @misakchelle

iz.moca: hi guys

ran_away: stop it

ran_away: moca pls not another gc

hakanai.wa: who's in this?

iz.moca: yes, chisato is in it

hakanai.wa: hehe that's all i wanted to know ty ty

iz.moca: @chisatos get yourself over here

tomnoe: Himari's in this!!

iz.moca: shut up you lovestruck dumbass

tomnoe: @himar.ri

himar.ri: hi tomoeee

tomnoe: Aw I miss you soo much, you know that?

himar.ri: slkghk i miss you mooore

iz.moca: ew stop being nice to each other

chisatos: Who pinged me?

iz.moca: PINGED

iz.moca: WHO SAYS P I N G E D WTF

hakanai.wa: ahh my dear Chisato has arrived! i would hug you right now if i could :D

chisatos: Kaoru, it's really not the time.

iz.moca: oh damn she brought out the period on you

@chisatos has left the conversation

iz.moca: kaoru

iz.moca: you guys okay?

hakanai.wa: yeah, she's just a little upset

iz.moca: why?

hakanai.wa: um

hakanai.wa: let's just say i didn't pick up on some hints when i spent the night at her house

hakanai.wa: we were alone

hakanai.wa: we literally talked about doing it, we were planning to

hakanai.wa: and i just completely blanked out

hakanai.wa: i forgot

iz.moca: BAHAHA

iz.moca: KAORU



iz.moca: RIGHT @ran_away HAHA

@ran_away left the conversation

@iz.moca added @ran_away

iz.moca: rude

ran_away: i have to go eat i'll talk to you later love you bye

iz.moca: ok suuure love you too bye bye💗

iz.moca: so kaoru how are you going to fix what you've done

hakanai.wa: i'm outside of her apartment

hakanai.wa: i'm gonna go inside so uhh bye

iz.moca: we all know damn well you're not the one going inside hAHA I'M SO FUNNY

iz.moca: OKAY BYE


ko.kokokoro: HI WHAT'D I MISS

(a/n: fun fact, the "who pinged me" thing actually happened, one of my friends said that. the whole group chat was dying like "who says pinged?? what?!")


guide if you need help telling who's who:

iz.moca: Moca Aoba

ran_away: Ran Mitake

hakanai.wa: Kaoru Seta

tomnoe: Tomoe Udagawa

himar.ri: Himari Uehara

chisatos: Chisato Shirasagi

ko.kokokoro: Kokoro Tsurumaki

hagum.y: Hagumi Kitazawa

misakchelle: Michelle/Misaki Okusawa

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