Honey, Don't : CH 2

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Okay so... Yeah uhm Hi? 😀

I actually died and had a rebirth ceremony with my soul last night so I decided to give this story a go once more despite the modules, immersion project, etc.

Because... HAHA~ WHY NOT?





Chapter 2

"I'm heading to my office to handle some papers in advance and leave the rest to Reo. When I come home I'll help in packing." Akashi says as he wears his suit and approaches Kuroko.

"Don't stay at work for too long or I'll miss you." The teal head teasingly says as he gives his husband a peck on the lips.

Akashi sighs and smirks.

"Just thinking of being away from you for even just a second already makes me miss you."

Kuroko notices his crooked tie then fixes it.

"Your travel by car to work is only about 10 minutes adjusted to the city traffic and the walk to your office consumes 5 minutes including the elevator,then the meeting with the CEO of the company that you intend to buy is 30 minutes. So....I will expect you to back before 11:00 sharp."

"Yes dear."

"And don't give your secretary too much pressure. I feel bad for Reo-san that he is always given tasks that sometimes overworks him. "

Akashi pouts and makes their foreheads touch.

"Aren't you worried about me?"

Kuroko puts on his stoic mode and turns to the side.

"You're a walking busy machine. You said you barely even need a rest. Now go, or you'll be late." He says then pushes him towards the door.

"Okay but just one more kiss?"

"For what? So you can lure me towards the trap again? I don't think so mister."

Kuroko shuts the door as soon as his husband was finally outside of the house.

Akashi started sulking again then pauses when his phone received a message and he reads it.

The red head strokes his hair back then leaves for work with a grin and confidence.




(In Maji Fast Food Enterprise~)

"KUROKOCHII TAKES ME WITH YOUUU!!!! SSU!!! " Kise wails loudly while suffocating the poor teal head from the tight hug.

Aomine hits him on the head and complains about the noise.

"OI! IDIOT! Do you want Akashi to slit our throats if he hears you?! "

"But~ ( ⚈̥̥̥̥̥́⌢⚈̥̥̥̥̥̀) it's a once in a lifetime travel opportunity with Kurokochii~ "

Midorima sighs and added himself to the conversation.

"Do not forget Kise that it's their 'honeymoon'. Does that ring any bell to you? Any idea of what 'activities' they are going to experience? "

"By the way Kuro-chin~ *munch* where are u guys traveling this time? " Murasakibara asks as he ate a burger.

Kuroko pushes the blonde male away ignoring his cries.

"Well, Seijuro never told me the exact location but from the tickets that Reo sent earlier. I found out we're going to South Korea. "

Kise cried louder that the other customers complained to the manager and approached their table.




(After 5 minutes of negotiation they were forced to move to Kuroko and Akashi's residence because of Kise then they had to walk because someone forgot to fill up the car's gas which is the fault of Kise then Midorima's lucky item fell into the river on the way because of KISE.

Kise: Why is it always my fault ssu?! ˚‧º·(˚ ˃̣̣̥⌓˂̣̣̥ )‧º·˚

Shadowchii: BECAUSE. )




"So South Korea. Why not the North? " Aomine said as he drinks a beer.

"Aomine-kun, you're definitely an idiot are you? " Kuroko said bluntly.


"If I would predict where you two will be starting I can suggest Seoul. " Midorima interrupts the dark male's rant.

"Have you been to South Korea Midorima-kun? " Kuroko asks putting down a cup of tea in front of him.

"I had some patients to tend once or twice there. "

Murasakibara lazily says, " I also had been there~. The food was amazing."

Kuroko lightly smiles.

"I'll also look forward to that."

Midorima adjusts his glasses then starts looking around.

"By the way, where is that idiot blonde? "

"Yes. I wonder where he went. ", Kuroko sips his tea.




(In the basement, a man named Kise Ryouta remained tied in a chair at the middle in full darkness as a radio was playing a soft music... 😀)

'Strumming my pain with his fingers~ 🎼...

'Singing my life with his words~'


(Un) fortunately, he could not be heard from above.




11:00 a.m, Akashi arrives and caught the whole generation of miracles gathered in he and his wife's dining room having lunch.

"Aka-chin~ okairi" Murasakibara greets, eating of the dishes Kuroko made.

"Pardon for the intrusion" Midorima said.

"I do not appreciate this sight. Tetsuya, why are they here? " Akashi says as he was...smiling.

Aomine grunts, " We're guests here fyi. "

"Seijuro-kun, please join us instead of pouting. We'll discuss this later. " Kuroko stood up and approached him taking his coat and brief case.

Akashi kisses him suddenly.

"I would rather have you lov—"

"Eat your damn seaweed and start packing our luggage after. " Kuroko pulls his necktie.


To be continued in chapter 3.......

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2021 ⏰

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