Ch. 1

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First day of school, yaaay. It's still a miracle they let me in during the middle of the 1st semester. I'm just glad I get a fresh start.

"N/nnn! You are going to be late to school! I can't drive you, remember?"

That's right, I have to walk. What a joy.
I put on my boots and forget all about breakfast. On my way out, my brother puts an umbrella on my backpack in case it rains. Because god forbid his "precious little sister" gets sick.


The walk to school was terrifying to say the least. The last time I did this was in a totally different country

As I reach the entrance of my new high school I hear a lady yell someone's name.


Who is awake enough to be screaming this early in the morning? I know I'm not...

I turn around, along with most of the kids in the courtyard, and I see a tall and embarrassed thing. His silver hair is all out of place, his posture is sloppy, his green eyes are glancing everywhere.

This dude is huge! He has to be at least 6'6". He's so awkward, like a baby giraffe. Why is he getting closer.

Before I knew it, the dude ran into me. I fell to the floor, and the skyscraper fell next to me. He says nothing. Does nothing for awhile, like he has to comprehend what just happened. I get up before him and offer him up. Normally, I'd just brush him off. But it's a new school, new country, and a new life for me. The kid accepts my hand and gets up, not making eye contact at all. His face is brighter that an apple. He stutters a simple "Thank you, sorry" and leaves.


I feel my face falling to the floor I see someone fall down with me. Before I knew it, I made contact with the floor. I don't bother getting up. It's the first day back from break and I fell in the courtyard. Great start to the new term.

Great going Lev, you dragged you and some cute girl down with you. OH SHOOT YOU DRAGGED DOWN A CUTE GIRL DOWN WITH YOU! Why is her hand in front of me? I'm on the floor, idiot, she's offering to help. Her delicate, but scarred hand, is right in front of me, offering help.

I took her hand, being on the floor I had no choice. Her hand was soft and warm. It was confusing. Looking at her hand, it was scarred and beat up, but holding it was warm and soft. A total contradiction.

I'm still holing her hand aren't I?

I don't make eye contact with her, knowing my face was as red as my volleyball uniform. I stutter a simple thank you and leave. There's one thing I do know, if red feels hot, I'm on fire.


The school day ended and I was finally able to go home

"Excuse me, are you Miss Y/N?"

I turn around to see someone who appears to work at the school.

"Yes, is there a problem sir?"

"Not at all Miss. I'd just like to talk to about this policy we have."


"Yes, we require every student to enroll in an after-school club. Since you enrolled late, we don't have many clubs with enough room for another person."

"Well what is available?"

I swear, if I get stuck in some horrid club.....

"Well, there's the Law Club, Female Soccer Club, Literature Club, and the Boys Volleyball Club."

"Boy's Volleyball?"

"Yes, they are currently looking for a manager."

"I'd like that one please."

"Alright, please follow me to my office to fill out the paperwork and you can start today. I will contact Coach Nekomata and he will explain everything once you get to the gym."

Boy's volleyball, huh? This is going to be one fun adventure.

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