Chapter 2: The House Of A Giant

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Fabian's long strides made the journey very brief, lasting a mere ten minutes. Puro was awoken by a gentle tap on the shoulder, the leaf-green protogen's voice filling his ears, "Wakey wakey, we're here.." Puro yawned, and turned around, looking up at the gigantic house that laid before him with a gasp. "Wow! This place is huge! How'd you afford this sir?" Fabian chuckled and unlocked the door, stepping inside as he replied "I inherited a lot from my mother.."

Fabian stopped for a moment, feeling Puro begin to move, "You alright bud?" he enquired. The fluffy wolf's head disappeared and they slid down out of his hoodie, looking up at him "Yeah, just figured you'd want a rest." The pair walked into the living room, and Fabian's stomach gave a particularly loud growl, coaxing a giggle from Puro. "Why don't we order some takeaway?" He asked, and Fabian nodded eagerly, flipping open a panel on his gauntlet, and a small antenna rose out of it, working as a phone. "Head upstairs and explore if you want, I'll let ya know when dinner's here alright?" Puro ran out and clambered up the stairs, exploring the various well-decorated rooms... Except for one. It was completely empty. "Why's this one blank sir?" he called down, and got the reply "I haven't decorated that one yet, ooh you could help me design it! Maybe it could be your bedroom?" He believed Fabian for a moment, but the floor told a much different story, the boards bent as if warped by something extremely heavy...

As his suspicion grew, Puro wandered into Fabian's bedroom, in the centre of which lay a large double bed. On the bedside table was a photo of Fabian and what Puro guessed to be his mother. The glass of the frame was cracked in certain places, like someone had held it a little too hard... There was a glint under the bed. He rushed over, reaching out under it and pulled out another much smaller photo. In it was Fabian, in a heavily drunken state, his stomach several times larger than it was now, making up nearly two thirds of the picture. As he began to form a conclusion in his head he heard Fabian call from downstairs "Dinner's on the table!" Puro pocketed the photograph and made his way down, growing increasingly uncertain.

As he walked down the large steps, the kitchen came into view. It was a spacious room, well maintained like the rest of the house. The thing that caught Puro's eye the most however was what was upon the table. It was an enormous spread, countless plates of various foods strewn across it. On the end sat Fabian, who gave him a wave as he came in. As he sat down before his host they said in a joking manner "I didn't know what you liked, so I got a bit of everything!" The small wolf instantly began to pile up food onto his plate, not realising how famished he was until now. Fabian sat and watched, not touching anything yet. "This is really good, you should try some sir!" Puro suggested, his hand reaching down into his pocket. "Or perhaps you're full already..?"

Fabian looked at him quizzically replying with "I'm fine.." and gave a nervous chuckle. Puro whipped out the photo and showed it to the protogen, exclaiming "I know something's up. I heard those sounds from your stomach, and don't tell me it's just irritable bowels!" Fabian's ears drooped, and he put his head in his hands, finally saying "I.. I eat people. Normal food just isn't enough for someone my size, it's never enough.. I'm sorry I didn't tell you before.." The canine put a hand on Fabian's arm. "It's okay" they assured, "My ex was a predator too.. Though he managed to not eat me." The large protogen looked up at him, from his hands, and began to perk up a bit, smiling. "O-oh, well in that case, I can let this loose.." He sat back and relaxed into his chair a little, his now much larger gut visible from over the table, slow movements seen within. He casually said "I didn't feel like paying tonight" and laughed, Puro accompanying him. "Now.. Let's get started shall we?~"

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