Halloween Costumes

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You walked into the Buzzfeed building two days before Halloween, with it being the only thing on your mind. You sat at your desk next to Sara and Shane, you being in the middle. Of course you being in the middle was both physical and mental for Sara. You were both friends but there was a tension, you both liked Shane. As you sat down and started editing this weeks episode of Unsolved Supernatural, you felt a tap on your shoulder. It was Shane.

"What's up?" You asked pausing your work.

"Hey are you doing anything on Halloween?" You thought for a moment before it hit you, he was probably asking you some place.

"No, just watching movies, why?" He smiled.

"Do you want to come to this Halloween party, with me?" You smiled both externally and internally.

"Sure, beats sitting home and doing nothing." You could tell Shane was really excited. Once lunch time came around, you noticed Sara was giving you dirty looks. Even more when you sat next to Shane.

"Hey, y/n." He greeted softly.

"Hey, so are you going to dress up Saturday?" You wanted to match somewhat to him if he was dressing up.

"Yeah, I think I'm going to be Clark Gable from Gone With the Wind." You smiled a cheeky smile, remembering the video he made with Buzzfeed. "You should match with me, I mean he was a woman attractor."

"Maybe I'll think about it." You said teasingly, putting a large smile on his face. The thought of going to a Halloween party with Shane dressed as Clark Gable and Carole Lombard—only because they were the most classic love duo—is a thought you never thought possible. You and Shane talked the rest of your lunch break with Sara intently staring at you. After lunch, you decided to have a quick chat with her. "Sara, I know that there's even more tension than there was before but I wasn't going to turn him down, you know you wouldn't have either."

"I know that, I guess it just hurts. I'm jealous but I respect Shane, and part of that is respecting his decisions. So he asks you out, fine. I'm sure I'll find someone eventually." With that, Sara walked away from you and your conversation and went to her desk.

*Time Skip To Halloween*

Over the last two days you and Shane have been texting, crazed about the party. Yet nothing was official, everyone now knew about the two of you and knew that it was going to happen sometime soon. At the moment, you and Shane were talking on the phone while you both got ready.

"You think people are going to know the duo?" You heard Shane lightly chuckle from the other side of the phone.

"Maybe they will. So what are on now?" You shrugged, even though he couldn't see you.

"I'm doing my hair, but I should probably pause and get the costume on first so I don't ruin my hair. I sound so basic." He huffed into the phone making you a little concerned.

"You don't sound basic, people would probably say something about it so why not have it to where you'll only get compliments." You were blushing heavy by this time. Once you were both fully ready you hung up the phone and waited for Shane to pick you up from your house. The ring of the doorbell sent adrenaline through your body as you jumped up and ran to the door. You swung the door open and were immediately greeted with the tall discounted Clark Gable standing in front of you.

"Why hello, Clark." You said in a proper British accent.

"Yes, hello dear. Ready, are we?" You giggled at his attempt at Clark's accent.

"I'd say yes, Darling." He snaked his arm to intertwine with your own and walked you down to his car. At the party, everybody was nudging at you two for being the cutest couple. You and Shane were talking with a small group of people when you noticed Sara, by herself and a drink in her hand. You decided to be a good friend and talk to her. "Hey Sara. Enjoying the party?"

"Yeah, I guess. Shouldn't you be with Shane though?" She asked in a genuine tone. You looked back at him before answering.

"He's preoccupied right now, I have time." You smiled.

"That is until everybody is rushed to the dance flo-" Sara said before getting cut off.

"Hey let's all go to the dance floor." Ryan said, dragging you both. You met up with Shane and he was not having the whole dancing thing.

"Not a big dancer, are we?" He smiled.

"Not in the slightest, what has given it away?"

"Oh you know, your demeanor and expression." You guys day and talked until a slow song came on. Maybe Two Is Better Than One by Boys Like Girls (ft. Taylor Swift)

"May I have this one dance M'Lady?" Shane asked, one hand out and the other behind his back.

"Yes you may, sir." You said grabbing his hand. The song was almost over and standing there on the dance floor made you realize just how much you liked Shane.

"Y/n?" You took your head off of Shane's chest to look up at him.


"I want to ask you something." You nodded signaling he go on. "Will you make this official with me?"

You were completely awestruck. He really just asked you to be his girlfriend. You smiled before replying, "Yes, Darling, I will." He tightened his grip around your waist before softly connecting your lips.

"Thank you." He said after pulling away.

"You are ever so welcome. But what about everyone else staring at us in this moment?" Shane looked around at everyone before looking back down to you.

"Frankly, Dear, I don't give a damn." You smiled a cheeky smile before eventually your lips were together.

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