"Crypton, hm?" I repeat, my mind drifting to Kaito. "Yeah, I've heard rumour upon rumour." I side glance Miku, trying to read the expression on her face; she doesn't look impressed. "You're not keen?"

"That place will be the death of me," she suddenly spits, looking up at me and pulling a face. "Seriously, the fuckboys and the bitchy girls and the shitty teachers..." her voice tails away, and she breathes out a small, exasperated sigh. "What about you?"

"Yamaha Academy for Girls," I respond, amused as I watch Miku's expression light up in awe.

"No way, isn't that place, like, really super expensive and fancy?" She asks, eyes twinkling like a thousand diamonds. "I'd give anything to attend a place where people aren't complete insensitive idiots."

I shrug my shoulders, focusing my attention on the path ahead. "It's not all glitz and glamor. We have our fair share of fights and problems, but generally it's a pretty welcoming environment. We have a swimming pool, and pretty much every club under the sun — cheer, chess, dance, literature, sport; hell, I'm pretty sure there's a manga club."

Miku tilts her head, intrigued. "So you're... like, really rich?" She blurts out, before clasping has hand over her mouth and averting her gaze, cheeks burning. "Sorry, sorry, that just kinda slipped out... that's a bit of a breach of privacy, isn't it...?"

I chuckle to myself. "It's okay, it's a perfectly valid question. And, well, yeah, I suppose you could say I've been born into a pretty well-off family." Slowly, my brisk walking comes to a halt outside of the quaint cafe. Caught up in her own world, Miku walks straight past, oblivious to our arrival. "Hey, where are you going? The cafe is here."

Abruptly, Miku spins around, before scurrying back over to me, a sheepish expression plastered across her face. I smile to myself as I lead the embarrassed tealette into the cafe, unable to get over her adorable klutziness.

Warmth hits my shuddering body the moment I set foot into the cafe, and the familiar scent of baked goods greets me. Miku looks around in wonderment, taking in the warm, homely aesthetic.

"Ahh, Luka-san!" The waitress greets me with a friendly smile and a polite bow of the head. "It's wonderful to see you. A table for two?"

"Please," I respond with a single nod, smiling at the awed tealette. The waitress leads us to a comfortable table in the far corner, where Miku happily takes the window seat.

The waitress hands us each a pretty-looking menu. "Please let me know when you would like to order." She smiles and bows her head once more, before wandering off to serve another customer.

I look at Miku, who is fixated on the window. She watches with amusement as birds hop around outside, cocking their heads as they sing sweet songs before picking up the odd breadcrumb and taking off. "I've never been here before," she gasps, before turning to me, star-struck. "This place is really pretty, I can definitely see why you like it so much."

Smirking, I lean back in my seat and nod towards the bakers, who are fumbling about behind the counter. "And you haven't even tried the food yet. I bet you'll love it just as much," I tell her, before peering down at the printed menu and scanning the specials. "What would you like? I'm happy to pay, so feel free to knock yourself out."

Miku scrunches her face up for a moment, possibly confused by my use of metaphorical expression, before realisation hits, and her expression softens once again. "Umm..." she traces the menu with her finger delicately. "Can... can I order a hot chocolate? I'm not a huge coffee fan."

"Of course you can," I nod, smiling. "Hun, you don't need to ask my permission. What else would you like?"

The tealette looks up momentarily, slightly flustered, before looking back down at the menu. "Maybe... a tuna mayonnaise sandwich, and... oh, that blueberry muffin looks nice." She sounds almost guilty, but hey, what can I say? It's my treat.

Vocaloid: Re:VERSE  [Miku x Luka]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant