Bakery Blues

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modern! tommyxalfie!

The sun was going down, giving a luscious glow to the bakery. Sometimes the sun rising had this sort of effect too but Alfie had always preferred the sun-down as he could reflect on the day, good or bad. He could also look forward to spending an evening with his dog, Cyril.

Cyril always was overjoyed to see his owner and Alfie loved the reaction he got when he walked in the door every evening.

Today, Tommy stood, staring at the bakery from across the street. His hair was dishevelled and he knew he must've had bags under his eyes from the way everyone had been looking at him as he walked home. His coat hung loosely on him, he knew he hadn't been eating particularly well and was craving something incredibly sweet. It was 5pm, almost closing time and he was debating what he was going to do for dinner.

Most mornings, he had the pleasure of walking past 'Al's Bakery' and breathing in the scent of freshly baked sourdough bread and all of the careful pastries when they came out of the oven. Tommy had always been busy and needed to get to work, never stopping to actually eat one.

Tommy liked to stand outside, watching as the owner put out the fresh bakes in the morning through the bay window. He never dared go in, too worried that he'd get distracted; there was something about that man that had always intrigued him. Sometimes, when he had time, he would watch when he iced cakes in the morning or decorated them with freshly picked fruit.

"Alfie," one of the employees says, "he's out there, just standing, again."

Chuckling, he replies, "I wonder which one of these days he's going to step a fucking foot inside."

"I think he's got a crush on the pastries but won't ask them out."

Alfie hums, avoiding the suggestive looks that his female apprentice was giving him.

"Alfie," she drawls, "wave him in, go on."

Instead, Alfie continues with packing away some of the cakes that needed to be put away overnight. The bell above the door rings and Alfie calls out, "Just a moment."

Alfie wipes his hands down his apron, now covered in flour and was in a desperate need for a wash (he decided to do that tonight) after his day's work.

Sighing as he walks away from the cake display, he lifts his head and almost jumps out of his skin when he looks up to see Tommy standing in front of him at the counter, waiting for Alfie to notice him.

Tommy's eyes were piercing right through him, lips slightly parted and hands stuffed deep in his coat pockets.


Alfie turns to face his apprentice, she bounded around the corner but when she saw Tommy she closed her mouth and just smiled mischievously.

"I'm going home. I did the bins, have a nice evening."

"You too," he replies, "I'll wash your apron tonight."

She shouted a thanks from the back door and was gone without another word.

Alfie turned back to face Tommy.

"What will it be?"

Tommy's eyes flicker to the things still on display before training them back on Alfie, "Are you Al, as in the name of this shop?"

"I am but I mostly get called Alfie."

Tommy nods; bites his lip and resumes looking at the bakes. He stops at Alfie's homemade jam-filled doughnuts.

Alfie observes Tommy, watching as he tries to pick what he wants. Tommy's feet padded along the wooden panels that lined the floor, something that Alfie had insisted on when he refurbished the shop, he licked the rustic feel it gave off and always insisted it was nicer than cold tiles.

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