Alternate Ending

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This picks up right where Sarina is feeding off of Ash and Cam is now going back into the cave to find her.

i hope this end is less confusing. We'll see.

Cam entered the cave his body covered in a sheen of sweat that came with the blistering heat. Pushing the hair out of his face, he closed his eyes trying to hear past the commotion going on outside. He didn't care about that, he focused his entire exsitence for the sound of her voice.

Funny hiw a few months ago he could pick her out of a crowd by her heartbeat alone and now, now she could be ten feet away from him and he would have no idea.

How he had lived for the sound of her heart. Now he would give his just to hear it.

Stop it! He growled to himself hating how pathetic he sounded. Now is not the time to feel sorry for yourself. Clearing his mind he took more steps forward listening for anything.


Nothing but the sizzling sound as droplets of water hit the overheated cavern walls. Cursing to himself he trudged along, each step feeling heavier than the last.

The demon said she was in here. Was he lying? He's a demon dumbass of course he was...

Rounding through a narrow passageway he cursed as he barely had the energy to duck the low cut ceiling. Find Sarina. Go to her. He kept chanting in his head, pushing himself.

He stumbled a few times, barely catching himself against the rock before he fell flat on his face. But he was an determined angel. He would find if it killed him.

Pausing, he felt something in his chest tighten, as his breathes came out loud in the small space, "I can't do this Ash, I care for you too much to hurt you," Shit. That was her. He found her!

With renewed energy he pushed himself off the wall, pushing each foot forward. She was close.

"Don't you see silly girl? It's yours. It's always been yours. My heart, my body, my mind it's always been yours. Take what I freely offer," Oh hell. She was NOT doing that.

He could hear her crying as she whispered something back, too low for him to hear. Rounding the corner, his eyes searched until he found them. There she was sitting in Ash's lap as he laid partially sprawled out on the ground. The only thing holding him up was being propped up against the wall.

She was feeding. Feeding off of him. No, not happening not in this universe.

She was his damn it. In that second he wished his body was made to sustain her. But then, he realized how stupid that sounded, especially seeing how weak the demon had become.

Though it threw all kinds of jealousy down Cams throat he had to admit what the demon was doing was half honorable. That he was willing to let her to that.

Too bad he was about to rain on his parade. There was no way she was going to finish feeding and be trapped inside of that damn demon. Not his rival.

Taking more time than he was patient for Cam shoved himself towards them, seeing them jerk their attention towards him. Ash had his eyes narrowed accusingly while Sarina looked panicked.

"Help," she mouthed to him as she tried to let go of the demon, but Ash held on. Aww, jerk her away from him. Yeah sounds good to me.

Cam took three painful steps before someone hit him in the back of the head, sending him flying to the ground. Son of a bitch, he cursed hearing Sarina's cry and someone else's grunt.

Turning his head, he looked up to see a largedark figure hovering over him.

"Hurts doesn't it?" A large figure bent down, "but not as bad as this is going to." And with that the gold demons face flashed Into view seconds before the demon grabbed him the the neck twisting it in one sharp move and snapped.


"Guardian!" Sarina cried out, "what are you doing?"

Sarina watched as the demon stiffened a second before he turned towards her. "What should have been done from the beginning." With that he reached down, grabbed Camael by the shoulder and heaved him over his shoulder.

"Now," his voice came out strained as if touching the archangel was hurting him. I suggest you let him go and come on. "

"I can't. You know what I am.." She fumbled pulling back from Ash, looking back at him with a worried look.

He looked like death. His face had lost all it's color and his eyes.. Oh god they were barely aware of anything. Had she already sucked him dry?

"Ash!" She shook him, only to hear small moans of protest. She glanced back at Guardian for help only to hear a loud shudder echo along the walls. What was that?

"Come on princess, we need to leave now, before all the soul eaters show up."

"I can't leave him like this!" She shook ash again. Come on wake up...

"There is a couple hundred fallen tearing this cave apart looking for you. The archangels are outside killing everything in sight, he will live Sarina but if you stay you will not. Now let's..."

Just then a loud explosion had rocks thundering down around them as Guardian dropped Camael and threw himself over her.

Within seconds she was watching huge rocks fall from the craved out roof and the next total darkness.

Her scream was drowned out as huge boulders fell from the ceiling burying them a hundred feet under.


Sari whipped around, the loud sound making her come to a halt. From the distance all she could see was clouds and clouds of smoke as the mountain that held the cave eroded.

Her heart hammered inside her chest, wondering what had happened.

Had her father killed them all or had the archangels blew it up to stop the demons?

A small part of her wanted to go back, to see if Ash was okay. She didn't feel right leaving him like that. But she knew she couldn't stay. She had to get away form them all before Camael gotten a hold of her again. She wasn't going to go through that again.

Not ever. She didn't care what she had to do or how long she had to run. She was going to live this time.

And if that meant killing them all she would. She was done with waiting, with dying, hell she was even done waiting for Ash to save her.

From here on out she was doing this her way, and if that meant killing them all so be it.

**********************end of Cursed*******************

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2015 ⏰

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