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Your POV:

I stared into Amemiya's eyes waiting for more after hearing what he just said...

But he just stayed silent..

"And?" I asked

"Aren't you curious of our relationship?"

"I am. That's why I'm asking 'and' ?"

He sighed shortly then faced me again, "It's complicated. But I've known him for years now."

"Where did you two meet?"

"I can't tell you."

"Then how did you you meet?"

"I can't tell you."

"...then what did you do when you met?"

"That also I can't tell...

"Then why are you wasting my time?" I got irritated by then cuz every time I ask him something he says he can't tell me so why raise my curiosity metre when you're not gonna answer my questions?

I sighed and started walking past him to go back home but he held my wrist so I turned my head...

"Wait. Since when did you start dating Kyousuke?" He asked.

Kyousuke? First name bases too..

"I can't tell you" I imitated him and he chuckled...

"You're very amusing y/n you know that?" He said with something that looked like an evil smile istg—

"Um...can you let go of me now?" I asked since he was still holding my wrist.

He looked down at his hand then back at my face but didn't remove his hand...

"Not until you answer me cutie."


"Don't call me that." I hissed at him, "and let me go. I'm not answering anything until YOU give me some answers Mr. Amemiya Taiyou."

"Ooh~ I like it when you call me with my full name" he said with a huge smirk on his pale face.

Okay NOW I'm creeped out!

I pulled my hand with force away from his grip and started walking away while secretly hoping he doesn't stop me again.

Seriously he's starting to creep me out...he's NOTHING like the nice Amemiya I once knew at the beginning of the year...

No one's POV:

'Where are you gonna hide from me l/n y/n? I nearly know everything about you...' Amemiya thought while staring at your figure that's walking away from him, slowly fading farther and farther.

He chuckled to himself, "C'mon Kyousuke hurry up and come here before you lose something important ~" He said while looking at the sky then headed in a different direction to who knows where...

Back to your POV:

I decided to go to Hakuryuu's house since I needed to talk to someone I trust about this and Sui wasn't an option of course...


Hakuryuu lives alone now since his parents went abroad so when I rung the bell over 5 times and no one answered while it's currently 9:14 AM, I figured he'd be still sleeping...

Luckily, Hakuryuu once gave me a spare key to his house in case of emergencies so I found it deep in my pocket and unlocked the front door with it.

I headed to his room and opened the door as I found him sleeping soundly on the bed with incredibly messy hair as usual and with most of the blanket on the floor...

I sighed as I opened the curtains to let in the bright sunlight and that's when I heard Hakuryuu groan in annoyance form the sudden light.

"Argh....what's....happening?" He barely opened an eye to look at me but when he made sure it was just me not some burglar who came to steal his curtains for no reason, he switched his position and put the pillow on his head.

I went and snatched the pillow from him earning another annoyed groan from him. And that's when he finally turned and looked at me with squinted eyes and furrowed eyebrows...

"What the hell....y/n what time is it?" He mumbled.

"It's nearly half past nine now." I answered and he glared at me...

"Who the heck wakes up at a time like this in the weekend! It's too early!" He whined...and kept whining...

Finally Hakuryuu woke up and went to the bathroom to wash up while I waited for him in the living room

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Finally Hakuryuu woke up and went to the bathroom to wash up while I waited for him in the living room.

But then I heard my phone ringing so I got it out of my pocket and found:

Kyousuke ♥️
Incoming call...


"Hey y/n good morning"

"Good morning Kyousuke!"

"Where are you now?"

"I'm at Hakuryuu's"

"Gosh y/n! Didn't I tell you not to go to his house a lot? Remember? He lives alone now so you're basically alone with a guy in his house!"

"Calm down Kyousuke it's just Hakuryuu you know him too!"

"Yeah well I also know that he once had feelings for you so I still worry if you hang out at his house a lot."

"Ahh fine don't worry it's just that I needed to talk to someone...."

"Hm? Why did something happen? Are you okay?"

"Well Amemiya is being really creepy these days and well..."


"Today he just texted me earlier in the morn-"


"HE HAS YOUR NUMBER?!" I heard Hakuryuu and Kyousuke yell the exact same thing at the exact same time as Hakuryuu was coming downstairs while widening his eyes at me...

Oh yeah...I still haven't told them about this....*gulp*

AWAY  [Tsurugi X Reader] Book 2Where stories live. Discover now