I twirled her bra straps around on my finger as I thought she may need it but she apparently didn't and didn't ask for it back—so I'll just throw it away later.

"You seem angry." I said as I used my other hand to further scroll down the ridiculous article I was reading and she violently tied her hair back into that tight ass pony it was in before.

"Damn right I am." She answered

"If you don't mind, I'd like to see that story about me down by tonight. I let you come here, have your way with me, and offered you food. If I get nothing in return.." I paused and laughed cynically. "I don't think you wanna know what'll happen to your little interview show. I'll sue your whole life."

She seemed intimidated but showed a confident face. "Sue me for what exactly?" She asked with a scoff

I shrugged. "I don't know. Maybe false information etcetera. But I have my ways." I winked and she rolled her eyes and inched towards the door-

"You forgot your-"

She slammed the door shut already.

"Damn.." I muttered. "I'll just keep it then." I shrugged, going along with my original thoughts.

I got so distracted by that, that I didn't even realize I was still fuming over this article. I threw the covers over and got outta bed, slipped on some sweat pants and left my room with my phone gripped in my hand.

I walked down the stairs with my eyes never leaving my phone. My business is not plummeting and if I could, I'd sue whoever made those comments too.

I can't and won't have my sister be on top. It'll never happen.

I glanced outside and towards my pool and just saw body guards by the gates. Usually I see paparazzi out there and before I wouldn't give a fuck a I it them but now I advise them not to bother me. All these articles and publicity are getting on my nerves.

Never have I been this unfocused.

I also failed to notice I have no missed calls from Naomi as she didn't even make an effort to call or text me. She's still my wife and I care about her, so I will make an effort to talk to her soon but we were left on bad terms.

These days I don't even have breakfast anymore. I pour myself a cup of wine and I leave.

I have a meeting at 4 that Destiny was supposed to reschedule for next week but that she failed at that so I'll actually have to attend. I hate everything.

My feet glided across the black marble floors as I inched my living room and I clapped twice, making the lights automatically turn on despite the natural sunlight shining from the sun.

My day is packed and I have no space for any bullshit.

It's 3pm right about now and I should get going but lately I've decided not to even care as much to when I arrive at my own building. My building, my rules. I do things at my own accord.

I drank about 2 more glasses of wine and was on my way.

I got through paparazzi and entered my building. The scene was the same as always. Karen's cheap ass at the computer would do anything for money, workers scrambling to their spots as soon as they see me—I enjoy the fear in their eyes.

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