Chapter 2

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        I wandered around helplessly for a few hours, just roaming to streets alone, trying to comprehend what just happened.I didnt even care that I was getting even more lost and further from the familiar parts of the city. I'm lost and alone, I keept telling myself. I'm on my own. Internally, I was majorly hella depressed, but on the outside I looked like a zombie. No emotion. I glanced down at my watch. 12:37 it read. The flight had already left. All hope was lost. I just wanted to call my mom. Luckily, there was a little red phone booth right ahead of me. At least I got one stroke of luck.

        I stepped into the phone booth and turned my backpack around front to dig through the pockets to find some coins. My wallet was still missing. I found just enough for two call, so I dialled the phone to my moms number (cue payphone by maroon 5 because im literally at a payphone trying to call home). It rang and rang. "Hi, this is Leticia Eagle. I'm not here right now but-" I crashd the phone back. Straight to the goddamn voicemail. I put in another pound but this time I called my dad. "Hi, this is Bob Eagle and I'm currently away on vacation..." I just stood there, numb, clutching the phone while his voicemail continued. Now I was lost, alone, and completely broke. Now the waterworks were coming.

        "Needa pound?" asked a stranger behind me. I whipped my head around to see who it was. He was around average height with a muscular physique, glowing fair skin, and lustrous, light brown curls. He was wearing just a simple white t-shirt and pants, but it accented his huge biceps and pecs. There was something so familiar about his warm, brown eyes and kind smile, but I couldn't place my finger on it. A lot of hot white boys start to look the same.

       Well, anyways, being my awkward, antisocial self, I just stood there with the stupidest look on my face like I was literally just staring and he probably thought I didnt speech English. Like of course the one time a handsome stranger notices me I look like an emotionally unstable trash can who doesnt know how to fucking speal. After a hot minute, I smiled weakly. "Oh. Thanks," I said quietly. I took the pound and dialled my moms cell again hoping shed recognize the number. Beeeeeep. Beeeeeep. Beeeeeep. Hi, this is Leticia Eagle... I hung up the phone and sighed. I turned around to leave the phone booth but to my surprise the nice (and super hot) stranger was still there.

       "So wuts a yung lady lyke you using a call box for enyways?" he asked sincerely. Usually I wouldnt talk to strangers but he did just pay for my call and he is really attractive and honestly what else do I have to do now that im stuck in a foreign country with no money or phone.

       "Well, my phone died and I really need to call my parents. I missed my flight home to the states and I lost my wallet." There, thats enough information for a stranger, even if he is handsome. He doesnt need my whole sob story anyways.

       "Here, luf, you can use mine to phone your parents," he offered as he handed me his phone.

        "Thank you," I said as I pushed his hand back, "but I doubt they'll pick it up. They rarely ever pick up for unknown numbers. Especially foreign ones. Plus I dont think they're even awake yet, ya know with the tome difference and all."
"Well then let me take you bauck to my flat so you can charge your phone. Then you can phone your parents when they wake up."

       Again, I would normally think this is hella sketchy and think hes some sort of serial killer but something about him was different. He was charming but it was more than that. He acted as if he knew me, like we were longtime friends. Plus I was curious because he literally looked like someone I knew. "Ok, I guess..." I agreed hesitantly. I mean, how much worse could this situation get?! Like if a handsome guy ends up killing me at least this whole thing will be over with.

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