Chapter 1: strength of inside power

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      "Sky come down from your room young lady , clean that mess you made. I'm going to the mall with my friends, when I come back I want this house shining!" Yelled my mother, from downstairs.

Want to know how it got there well...

      My dad , Lewis, was a famous millionaire until he met my step-mom, Bethany, and she completely destroyed him. She was playing the role of 'the poor sweet woman' even I believed her and totally welcomed her but, when my dad married her she turned into a real devil. First , started making me the 'bad spoiled daughter' I turned from daddy's girl to 'you're old now take care of yourself' at the age of eleven. She also spent all his money on clothes, shoes, bags,accessories etc of famous brands. It was never enough. Dad's reputation went down because of her and we are poor now. The worst part is I'm the one blamed that this happened.

    I'm a thirteen-year old girl rather than going out with my friends, I'm stuck here cleaning the whole house. Why does she make me do all the work and then come back home complaining about me to my father, eventually, I go to bed with a bruise.

    Each day in the morning I don't want to wake up to face the day there is absolute no point, always on the routine. Work, get beaten , work and sleep.

     Can I tell the police about it? No. I don't have a phone, I always get punished for nothing so, I can't get out. My chances to ask for help are poor. If there is just someone that I could speak too at least.

     Fortunately, I'm only allowed to go to school to keep up with my education. However, because of my parents, I don't have any experience in socializing.

    I'm lonely.

     I listened to Bethany and cleaned. It was so tiring. If I could any rest my father would punish me since, he now unemployed.

     He was switching through the television till it was on a ballet dancing channel and he dropped the remote. As he went searching for it under the couch I looked amazed by the ballerinas. Wow! They are beautiful. I have always wanted to be a ballerina. Sometimes in my room I would try to create a move and practice.

     My thoughts were cut off when I got slapped by my dad.

"Stop watching television! You lazy fat rat! You are so useless! I wish I could trade you for a monkey instead!" He yelled.

    I wish too. At least I would be out of this mad house. I felt fire in my eyes , I was tearing up. I tried to hold it back as much as I can. Back to cleaning.

   The minute I was done, Bethany returned.

"Eww what is that smell? And why is it so dusty? Sky did you take a shower?"

   I wonder how can I take one when you don't buy my anything so I have only three outfits with my school uniform and you don't wash my clothes?

"No, I haven't. It is not dusty I just finished cleaning."

"Are you calling me a liar you piece of crap?"

   Oh sure you are but, I kept that to myself and instead said,

"No, Bethany."

"Bethany? You don't have any manners! Call me m'am Bethany."

   Excuse me? I wanted so bad to shout at her and slap her but, I couldn't , I wasn't brave enough for this. Also, my dad is here , he would beat me up.

"Okay, m'am Bethany."

  "That's better. Now clean this house one more time and after that make your father dinner, I ate outside."

   Did someone say I'm their personal maid or something? They are adults , they should do this themselves.

"Okay. M'am." I rolled my eyes.

"Don't you dare roll your eyes on me!"

      Then she pulled for my hair and dropped me on the ground. My elbow got scratched and started bleeding since, I landed on it to ease the pain of the fall. It didn't hurt me. I got used.

      I did everything she asked for. I cooked two plates of pasta. Couldn't make me some because all I was allowed to eat is bread and a cup of milk for my 'health' although, I sneak some snacks at school.

     Got some burns from the cooking. Normal .I delivered there food and of course it was made fun of.

"What the hell is this Sky do you think we are children? Oh Lewis , did her mother or you teach this creature manners?"

   Oh dare she talk about my mother like that! That moment I couldn't take this ridiculousness and said,

"Don't you speak about my mother! At least she was a hard working and kind woman, unlike you. You are a literal monster!" I screamed.

"Shut up! Your mom is dead I - we control you! You are grounded for a month!" My father shouted, he is on Bethany's side.

    How could he say something like that? What did I ever do to them to be treated this way? Am I not good enough? I repeated this but, louder this time.

"What did I ever do to any of you?"

"You were bore!" He said.

  Wow. My own father hates me so much. Then what is the use of me in this world? I'm completely useless. I ran to bed but, when I was there I was already sobbing.

    I sang to myself a poem but, in a sing-song tone my mom would always sing it to me when I'm sad,

In the dark,
Found light.

Within herself,
Found loveliness,
Through the soul's own mastery.

And now the world receives,
From her dower:
The message of strength,
Of inner power.
—Langston Hughes

     That poem helped me through a lot especially, times like this. I miss my mother so much. She was my light like my shield that protected me from the cruel world. I love you mother. Rest In Peace in your grave.


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