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its been two months. two fucking months and you're still etched into my brain. and i can't help but miss you. i see you everywhere. do you still think about me? do you ever remember me when you see the shoe i wanted so badly in stores, or when you see the rare ice cream flavor i loved to bits? do you remember the time we've hit four months? because i do. i gave you a mix tape with twenty songs, and when we went to your house we did nothing but lie down and listen to it. It was just me, you, and that playlist. and by the time our eyes met that afternoon, i was so sure that i was so inlove with you, and i could've sworn you loved me as much too. the love felt so overwhelming, i thought it could've been forever. we, could've been forever. but i now call myself a fool for believing it, because three and a half month later you told me you didn't love me anymore and two months after you said that, i'm here sitting down, asking myself over and over what went wrong and reminiscing all our memories, thinking about you and everything that we could've been, making you another mix tape.

besides, all i have left is myself, these fragments of my memories about you, and this never ending playlist of songs that remind me of us.


dedication : to the asshole who left me even though you knew I needed you so much, this is for you. This was supposed to be a happy lovey-dovey story, but things change, and feelings too. Fuck you for breaking my heart. :)

(Just so you guys know) any names, situations and circumstances in this book are all made up and none of these are real, so its coincidental if you find something similar to what has happened in real life.

Me, You, and This PlaylistWhere stories live. Discover now