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"Is the world coming to an end what is all these death going on around Los Angeles".The news caster started "Now here is all the commissioner has to say"

"we're trying our best to find this killer but it is almost impossible because he is not even seen after the kill and according to survivors, his victims are never heard of because they are not allowed to see another day. He kills them and always leaves a message, our experts are working hard find out what he is always writing one thing we are sure of is that our killer is an artist because he always drew the same thing after every operation............"he said but was interrupted by my father "Kim, I want to give you something that would be very useful to you and please it is no joke".My dad said.

"But dad you know very well that I don't do jeweleries "

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"But dad you know very well that I don't do jeweleries ". "Kim this is no ordinary jewelry it contains something that you will need at this period". he said pointing to the television.

"It will function when you need it but please make sure it never leaves you".So I took it from him and put it round my neck

"Good night"I said going upstairs.

My dad has always been the only person I knew in my life I lost my mom at a very young age. I was 2yrs 3months old when I lost her my dad said I almost fell sick when she travelled for 1 week. So it was very hard for them to tell me but I magically didn't cry when she died. it was when I inquired about her while I had grown up that my dad just took me to a cemetery and showed me her grave I could not hold back my tears he consoled me and told me that she died while trying to save me and this broke me down. So I felt I had to pay her back for keeping me even though I know I might not be familiar with her but I had to pay her back by every bit of love she showered me. I loved my dad more but he was full of mystery up to this age I never knew where my dad was working but he always had a way of giving me my needs.

While I was in the room the curtains started to open and close it was disturbing so much that I couldn't control it. I closed the window but it still continue the light started to switch on and off so I just went and offed the light but it still continued. Next the television switched on and a face came out

I switched off the television and removed it from the socket but magically it switched on

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I switched off the television and removed it from the socket but magically it switched on."Kim listen to me". How did he know my name only those that know me well call me Kim what other people call me is Kong so for he to Kim he must really know me.

"Dad!!!!!!!! Dad!!!!!where are you there is a mad man in my tele and he knows my name like my real name " I was shouting while running down from the basement and I almost stumbled. When I got to the living room I saw my dad being attacked by the same thing that was trying to attack me at the basement."Kim, say Drago manifesto" "Drago manifesto" I said it with courage hoping that some kind of tech would come out and attack the creature but that wasn't what happened all of a sudden I started floating in the air "what is going on" i asked myself then i started glowing the light was very bright but surprisingly didn't affect me.

All the light went off everywhere became dark by the time I landed I saw something like a dragon coming out of the jewelry I was wearing it went straight and attacked the thing that was attacking my dad and that was it there was no more of him the...

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All the light went off everywhere became dark by the time I landed I saw something like a dragon coming out of the jewelry I was wearing it went straight and attacked the thing that was attacking my dad and that was it there was no more of him then the lights came on again I looked at myself and I was covered in a silver armour and there were touches of green on it it had an helmet that I removed "Dad, what is the meaning of all this ". I said while pointing at the helmet and everything I was putting on "wow it fits you well I thought it wasn't working ....""That isn't the question I asked so could you please reply me and fast give me a valuable explanation. wait a minute are u bleeding". "Yes "he replied with a breaking voice immediately I touched the area of his injury it sealed up all of a sudden "Wow that was amazing" I said "yes, it was "he said wait "what is that" I asked while looking at the writing on the floor it was written with my dad's blood "where on the floor" I can see it but I can't interpret but you should be able to translate it since you are wearing the Drago armour"" o.k. it reads

 it reads

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De......Ded......Dedse.........Dedseeeeeeec yes Dedsec" "Why don't we go to the library and find out what this Dedsec is and I would tell you more about what you are wearing and why you are wearing it" As we were going many questions popped into my head why did the thing come to attack me first ? How did it know my real name?

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