I walked in and heard music. It was Kagami's favorite song. I went to the changing station and put on my outfit. 

I went straight to the rink and saw Kagami and Luka ice skating together

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I went straight to the rink and saw Kagami and Luka ice skating together. 

I sat down and watched. They skated so well together. She was a good skater and so was he. They were in sync all the way through the dance. When they were done I noticed that when, Kagami had had back facing Luka she put her hand on her stomach and looked at it. I have a little hunch that those 2 are expecting a third member. I clapped and they jumped and looked over at me and waved me over. 

Kagami: Hey Marebear!

Luka: Hey Mari. 

M: Hey guys.

I went to the rink and skated toward them. 

K: What brings you to the rink?

M: Just needed to clear my head a bit. 

L: Of?

M: Coronation stuff. 

K: Come on Mari. Shouldn't be hard. Now, if it has to do with your class then....

M: No more preparing things, *mutters* plus, I have to preform at my own coronation and how my class will react is unknown. 

K: What was that? Preform at your own coronation? 

My eyes widened as her eyes lit up. 


M: Yes. Now hush. 

K: So that probably means Adrien is Chat. Alya is Rena. Nino is Carapace. 

M: You are super smart but, you are correct

L: Cool. But, then you probably don't want my gift of the Ladybug album. 

M: NOOOO! I love it. Do you know how hard it is to remeber all the songs you write? 

L: Uh....

M: Exactly so stop. 

I shook my head and smiled. They laughed and I laughed with them. 

K: We were actually going to leave after that dance but-

M: No stay. Plus, I need the measurements fir your wedding dress. 

K: Ok. 

M: I don't want to hog the rink so, we can share it, if you want to stay. 

K: Okay. 

I went to my side and they went to there. I put in my bluetooth headphones and floated my phone to me. I put on my playlist and floated it back to the bench. I let the music course through my veins and then, I didn't have a mind. I was dancing and I forgot about everything. 

I hadn't even noticed Luka and Kagami get out of the rink. I stopped and saw them on the benches. 

M: Why are you guys over there?

K: We saw you skating. You are amazing. You deserved the entire ring. 

M: Thanks. I just needed a quick skate. Come on. I have to do Kagami's dress. 

We left and I invited them to the castle. They accepted and we got into my lamborghini. 

We got to the castle and I dragged Kagami to my room. She stood still and I took my measurements. When, I got to her hips I noticed a very tiny baby bump on her stomach. 

M: Kagami?

K: Yes?

M: Why do you have a baby bump?

K: Umm...I am 3 months pregnant. 

I shot up and stood in front of her. 

M: You were engaged about a month ago so, you got pregant 2 months before you guys were engaged. 

K: Yeah. 

M: Does Luka-

K: Does Luka know? No he doesn't. *small voice*I am scared to tell him bec-because, I am afraid he might not love me anymore and he will hate the baby.

I looked at her and hugged her. She had glossy eyes and tears streaming down her face. 

M: No. He would never. And even if he did I would kick his little behind. So, would Alya. She loves you, kinda how she loves me. So, don't worry. Plus, I know Luka will still love you and will be happy about the baby and love the baby. 

She smiles and wipes her tears. 

K: Thanks Marinette. 

M: No problem. Now, I need to finish the measurements.  Then, you go tell him. Don't worry, I will come with you.  

K: Ok. 

I finish with the measuremnets and then, I lead Kagami to where Luka is waiting. 

M: We're done. 

L: Great. I wanted to go take Kagami to a resturant.

K: Ok. But, before you do that...um. 

She looks at my and I nod. 

K: I'm pregnant. 3 months. 

He stares and he slowly smiles. He pickes her up and spins her around. 

L: I am going to be a dad!

K: Yeah. And I am going to be a mom. 

M: Congrats. Now, you may need to move the wedding so the dress with these measurements will fit Kagami and her growing bump.

K: *laughs* Okay. Luka, how soon?

L: 1 more month then, we can have the wedding. If we have everything ready really soon, the minimum is 2 weeks. 

M: Sounds good. 

K: I like that. Let's go now. I am hungry. I am dying for 5 pancakes, 3 strips of bacon, 3 sausage links and several cups of OJ. Oh my goodness, this baby is going to make me fat. 

L: *chuckles* Don't worry. But, you are going to break my wallet with how hungry you are. 

M: Alright. Bye see you guy...whenever. 

K: Bye Marebear. 

L: Bye Mari. 

I smiled as I watched them walk out. I started thinking about Adrien and me and the future. I walk to my room and put on my playlist. I felt relaxed but, my fingers were itching to make something so, I start making Kagami's dress. By the time it is, 7 PM I have nearly the top half done. I was hungry, so I stopped for the day and decided to make myself some dinner. 

I go to the kitchen and make myself some dinner. I make some traditional chinese food. I make some rice rolls, sushi and seaweed salad. I make some croissants and eat that for dessert. 

I head to my room and sing softly. I take a shower, brush my teeth and change into pajamas. 

Still, singing softly I close my eyes and fall into darkness. 

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