Part 23

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"Ma'am I think we should let her go! She doesn't know anything!"I hear Sria's voice.

I blinked my eyes to clear my view. I see a dark room, with only one window on the top, and a rock hard bed, which I'm currently lying on. My hands and legs are tied and my mouth is also covered.

Where did Sria bring me? Did she kidnap me?

"You don't tell me what to do!"I hear an old lady's voice; but it is yet so powerful and commanding! It sends shivers down my spine.

"Go check if our guest is awake!"she instructs. In less than a minute I hear the door open.I close my eyes and pretend to still be unconscious.

Sria shuts the door silently behind her. She walks tentatively towards me, her heals click on the marble floor, I feel her settle next to me.

"Aaliya, I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to do this to you! Especially not when you don't even know anything!" she spoke to me thinking I'm still unconscious.

I hear her sigh, and she stands and walks back shutting the door.

"Once she's awake, first give her some food!"I hear her command someone.

"We don't take instructions from you!"I hear a masculine voice.

"Right!"she says in a disappointed tone and walks away.

Where am I? Where is Darshan? What's happening?

I open my eyes and try moving my hands and legs out of the rope, but all in vain! I first don't have the strength and second I don't know any tricks. I wish I took my self defence classes a bit more seriously.

I huff some air out and rest my head on the bed.

Will Darshan ever know where I am? Maybe they'll call him for some ransom or something!

But why did Sria kidnap me? She has enough money! Why would she work for someone who is poorer to her? Maybe they're in a debt or something! Why would anyone want to kidnap me otherwise? I'm not even that rich myself!


Where is this woman? It's been almost 20 minutes from the time we had to meet. Should I go check on her?Ya maybe I should.

I take the elevator and press our floor number and a family enters the elevator just then. The mother is searching for something in her bag while the father has carried their daughter, she's lying on his shoulder, half awake, half asleep. I smile and she smiles back at me, I feel my smile go wider at this.

One day this shall be me and my daughter. The thought of this makes beyond happy. Our small little world is this bigger one!

They get down on a floor below ours and I wave the little girl bye and she happily waves back at me.

In no time the elevator pings again, and I step up cheerfully.

I knock on our room door, but Aaliya doesn't respond. I pull my keycard out and open the door.

She's not here? I don't hear the shower on. I frown moving into the room.I check the balcony but she's not there. I knock in the bathroom door but no reply, therefore I open it to see the bathroom completely empty.

Where did she go?

I start to breath heavily thinking about all possibilities.

No no she must be down waiting for me! I try to pacify myself.

I step out of the room, and practically jog to the elevators and reach down. I try looking for her in the lobby, the garden, the breakfast area, but all useless.

I walk over to the reception to ask if they've seen he leave.

"Yes sir she just left about 20-25 minutes ago!"the receptionist informed me. Left? But where did she go?

I try calling her but her number keeps saying switched off.

I feel panic rise in me. My head stops to function. I can't think properly. I can't have her just leave like this! Did she find out about me?Is that why she left?

I call Sameer and ask him to trace her number. As soon as my I disconnect the call with him I hear my phone ring again.

It reads No caller ID.

"Hello?"I spoke hopping I'd hear Aaliya's voice.

"Darshan darling!"I hear her old, infuriating voice.

"Have you done something to my Aaliya?"I ask her not wanting to beat around the bush.

"Indeed, you're right! I have kidnapped her!" she said without a pinch of guilt.

"I told you not to run away from me. You can't go anywhere that I can't find you!"she spoke again.

"Now there is a black car waiting at your hotel door. Sit in it, the driver will drive you me!"she commanded and I looked outside to see a car waiting at the door.

"And don't try any smartness with me!"she finished and disconnected the call.

I'm sorry Aaliya, you have to face all this because of me. I don't deserve anyone.


I know this part is short, but major revelations coming up soon, I'll try update ASAP

Love you guys!🧡🧡

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