The Decision

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The balcony overlooking the garden was my favorite part of the house but, this morning, it had suddenly looked dreary because of the person waiting there with his back to me. I was the one who summoned him but I was beginning to think that I shouldn't have. I was still contemplating whether or not I was making the right decision when he suddenly turned around to face me.

"Good morning, Elizabeth," he greeted with a tip of his hat. He must have noticed my hesitation because he added, "You still want my help, don't you?"

No, I don't think I have a choice, I said to myself but I gave him a different answer. "That's why I called you here, Mr. Collins."

He closed the distance between us in a few strides and as soon as he reached me, he positioned his hand near my swollen abdomen and asked, "May I?"

I didn't want him anywhere near me but the sudden pain in my stomach made me feel desperate. Maybe if I was carrying a normal child, I wouldn't have anything to worry about but, unfortunately, the child was anything but normal. Or human.

I was born a normal human but it was my blood, the blood of the Nephilim, that granted the powers the child seemed to have and he or she was growing more powerful. It was taking a toll on my body and it was scaring me. That was why, with my resolve set, I let Mr. Collins touched me.

"I don't think you know this, but you are carrying twins, Elizabeth," he said as he took his hand away from my stomach.


"Yes, twins. And, I believe, you are to give birth tonight."

"Will I be able to make it out alive?"

"To an ordinary human, bearing a Nephilim is no different from contracting an incurable disease which will only result in death. You may have a drop of Nephilim blood in you but you are still human. You will suffer a human's fate," he said in a manner that was devoid of any emotion.

"I don't want to die," I blurted out in panic.

"Then, you have to become one of us, that's the only way. Would you like for me to turn you?"

I knew the consequences of becoming one of them. It would grant me immortality but it would be at the cost of my soul. But then, wouldn't it be worth it if I get to stay with the people I love?

"Yes." I didn't have to think long for my answer.

He smiled at me before he lifted my hand, took a bite at my flesh, and drained my blood. At that moment, I felt like I was doing the right thing. If I had known then that it would be the last time I would set foot on this balcony, that saying "yes" would haunt me for generations to come, I probably would have chosen differently.

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