The Key-Chapter 1: The Visit

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A XoXoBibiXoXo Story~

Written by (of course, yours truly), Bibi ^ ^


Writers note: Heya! Thank you for choosing to read "The Key"! This is my first story on Wattpad! I hope you guys will like this! XD

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chapter 1-The Visit

A ray of sunshine slipped into the dark room as I pushed the heavy green curtains aside. How long as it been since my last visit? This place looks more ancient than I had imagined it to be. I guess Elize was right, this place do need some cleaning to do before I move in.

         I sat down on one of the cool wooden chairs and carefully observed the room. This place use to be my fathers' study room. Even though the things here are a little dusty and old, but apart from that everything else are the same. His books, that he loves so much, are all aligned perfectly on the grey bookshelf. His desk is still covered with his research papers and documents. Even his reading glasses are left in the exact same spot. I can still imagine him here busy working away in his studies.

         I let out a small sigh, for the thought of my father pained me. Even though I thought I had finally learned to "forgive and forget" about the past, but I guess I just need a bit more time to adjust to it. I grabbed my black handbag and took one more glance at the room before walking out of the door.

         The clicking sound of my heels echoed as I walked from rooms to rooms. From the living rooms, to the bedrooms, then the dining rooms, the washrooms, the study rooms, and finally the library. I know my house was big before, but I didn't imagine it to be this huge! As I stumbled out of the last room and made myself out into the backyard, a lovely scent of pure and innocent surrounded me. I followed the scent and found myself in front of my mother's rose garden.

         I was glad to see the rose garden again. This place was created by my father and he gave it to her as an anniversary present on their first year of marriage. My mother loved and adored this place. She would spend hours and days in the garden. And whenever I found her here, she would either be reading, or dancing, or singing, or taking a small nap on the fresh green grass beneath her.

         At that moment as I recall my memories about my mother, a strong summer wind blew toward me carrying white rose petals and I closed my eyes. In my mind, mother stood in front of me in her usual white lace dress and she was running toward the rose garden. Her long blonde hair gleamed in the bright sunlight as she began giggling. Then she stopped, right before reaching the garden. I suddenly began to feel afraid and shouted after her, "mother! Keep going mother! You're almost there!" But no matter what I shouted out she wouldn't move. Just then I saw something. I saw myself, as a child, standing by the garden. And there was something else. I was stepping on top of something. Something I couldn't see because it was too far away. I began to take a step closer when I suddenly stopped.

         It was blood.

My whole body began to tense up. And my heart began to beat harder and harder. I wanted to open my eyes, and stop looking at this image but I couldn't. I want to stop this I told myself. I don't want to see anymore. This is enough! Please STOP!

         Just when I was feeling frustrated and angry I felt mother say something. But before I was able to hear what it was, my eyes opened. And I was back by myself in front of the rose garden.

         And I felt the lingering of the wind tickled against my damped skin.


Hehehe, what did you guys think of the chapter one of "The Key"? :D

I hope I will hear some feedbacks from you guys!! And thank you for reading! ^w^

Please vote if you liked it!! XD

XoXoBibiXoXo <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2011 ⏰

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