I used to think that love at first sight is just a bunch of bull crap people invented to sell fairy tale books or to get their kids to believe in something other than Santa Claus but when it happened to me, boy ,was I way off the mark. It hit me like a speeding truck and it left me all tangled and messed up inside.

I sigh as he's nearing the entrance, thinking that I will have to wait another twenty-four hours just to catch a fleeting glimpse of him, but my breath got caught up in my throat when he suddenly stops a few feet away from the door and starts looking around the front lawn.

I should have waved at him or even smile when he glanced my way but instead, I hide behind the tall and bulky tree next to me like the coward that I am. It's the first time since our initial meeting that we made eye contact; my heart would've been racing by now if it's still beating.

I wait a few more seconds before stepping away from my sanctuary. I walk straight to the second building for my first class without looking back. I wanted to take a peek but I can't even dare myself to do it. I don't want him to think I'm a freak. Well, for all intents and purposes, I am a freak because of the zombie thing but he doesn't need to know that, does he?

I go through the usual motions of attending each of my classes but my head is all over the place and I think I have left what remains of my common sense back at that tree. I keep on thinking who it was he's looking for and what would've happened if I walked up to him and introduced myself then and there then I let my imagination run wild with thoughts of the two of us getting married and having kids together.

I let out a huge sigh at the idea of him being with me like that. Will he even touch me knowing I'm a zombie? Can I still have kids?

The day passes by in a blur and by the time I got exhausted mulling over what happened earlier, school's already over.

I used to hang out with my friends after school but, ever since that night, I've distanced myself from them with the excuse of needing to study at the library to make up for my absences (I was absent for a few months because of the turning-into-a-zombie-and-learning-to-adjust thing). I can't have them finding out about my secret and, I'm still not sure of the process that made me turn but, if there's a possibility that I can infect them, I don't want to risk it. I can't.

The rain's pouring really hard as I got to the front doors. I check my bag for an umbrella but then I suddenly remember that I left it at home. All the other students have gone home by now and I'm left all alone to wait for the rain to let up.

I watch the dark clouds from above move ever so slowly as I feel the loneliness creep in. I never wanted to separate myself from my friends. I never wanted to not be able to hug my parents or my sister. But, I have to do all of this because I don't want any of them to be like me - always craving for something disgusting and not being able to touch or be close to the people I love in fear of spreading this disease or whatever it is.

I pull out my earbuds and play some loud, upbeat music on my phone in my desire to squash all the negativity that has suddenly enveloped me. My parents taught me to see the beauty in every curse and being a zombie isn't all that bad. Besides, I can never pull the dark and brooding look, anyway.

I'm singing along to one of my favorite songs when I suddenly feel a hand tapping my shoulder. I turn to see who it was and feel my jaw drop on the floor along with my heart.

There he is, standing behind me with an umbrella in hand and a gorgeous half-smile on his face, the object of every fantasy I have ever had.

I immediately feel the need to say something, anything, but words, as they always do in awkward situations like this, fail me. I just stood there looking like a fish in a tank, opening my mouth in an attempt to talk but then closing it again without letting out even a peep.

He scratches his head and clears his throat before speaking. "I don't think the rain's gonna stop anytime soon. Would you like to share this umbrella with me?"

"Oh," I say.

Oh? Freaking Oh?

Way to go, you. Can't you act a little more like a sane person? I chastise myself.

He shifts his weight from one foot to another and, if I'm not so over my head because of the proximity between us, I'd say he's a little nervous.

"That is, if you want to. I'm not forcing you to stay close to me or anything," he says hurriedly. "My car's just parked over there and you can have this umbrella as soon as I get in."

I take a deep breath to clear my muddled brain before I respond. "Umm... No, I... Thank you. That's really nice of you."

He gives me a dazzling smile and attempts to open the umbrella but its metal frame seems to be busted. I try to help him out but I end up ruining it further.

I look at him apologetically because of the damage I caused but he just laughs it off like this is the funniest thing he has seen in days.

"That sucks," he says, "Thank you, umbrella, for cramping my style. I'm sorry about this, Emma."

I feel like my eyes are going to pop out of their sockets in surprise. "You know my name?"

He clears his throat again before he answers, looking all cute and shy. It makes me want to swoon.

"Well, yeah. You're pretty popular with the guys. And, I'm not sure if you remember me, but we met before. I took you to the infirmary once when you tripped over the stairs near the counselor's office. I'm Charlie, by the way."

Oh. My. God. He knows me and he remembers! I scream inside.

I try to compose myself, not wanting to show how stoked I am that this wonderful boy knows who I am, before I speak. "Oh, I know who you are. You're pretty popular yourself. Not just with the guys but with the girls, too. Especially the girls."

We stand there and smile at each other for a few seconds until thunder rolls in and we both jump in surprise. The melodic sound of his laughter echoes through me and I can't help but laugh with him at the silly awkwardness of our situation.

A few strands of hair escape from their hold and he gingerly tucks them behind my ear. I find myself swallowing my amusement as I feel the warmth of his skin as it grazes my cheek. It's as if I'm suddenly on fire, ignited by his slight touch. A small smile forms on his lips and I can hear the increase of his heartbeat as his beautiful green eyes gaze at me.

"Would you like to grab a bite with me before heading home?" he asks hesitantly.

Although I still think I'm dreaming because this is all too surreal, I let myself believe that the happiness I'm feeling right now is just the beginning of something much more amazing. All I have to do now is to not let this chance of being with him slip away.

I smile at him and say, "I would love that."

Onwards: A Collection of Short StoriesWhere stories live. Discover now