01: The Return

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It took them 10 years for defeating all the cursed servants, but when they were about to kill the last marquis, it suddenly spoke.

"When the red moon appears again, I will come back for the child."

After they defeated them, they decided to take the child away and protect him from all costs.

They handed him over to some of their loyal servants, who were cursed as well, but they also drank blood from evildoers only. They also helped the monarchs which is why they were the perfect ones to protect him.

They hid their identity and pretended like nothing happened for the past 7 years--

"Hyung," A short guy with hazel brown hair cut him from his thoughts. "What?" The older replied.

"We've been calling you for dinner like a hour ago, but you just nodded your head and continued your daydreaming." The short boy explained. The older sighed and ran his hands through his hair, gripping it slightly.

"I'm sorry, it's just, it's been 17 years since we last saw the child, I hope he's okay." The older leaned his head reaching the couch, closing his eyes. The younger pursed his lips and held one of the older's shoulders. "Don't worry hyung, he's in good hands." The older shot his eyes open and looked at the shorter boy, it gave him a reassuring smile which make him feel lighter inside.

"You guys aren't gonna eat?" A voice said coming from the kitchen. They both looked towards the person who said that before looking at each other. The older stood up following the shorter guy towards the kitchen.

The older was eating his food with thoughts running through his mind. The latter sitting next to him noticed it. "Hyung are you okay?" He asked making the older looked towards his direction, and gaining the other members' attention.

The older nodded hesitantly before eyeing everyone who is now looking at him. But suddenly realizes they're missing one more member. "Where's Geonhak?"

"You mean Leedo," A guy named, Keonhee said while pointing at the older with his spoon. "Who gave him that nickname anyways?" Another guy beside him said.

"I did," The youngest among them admitted. Suddenly the front door opened where the said 'Leedo' appeared. He was holding some plastic bags where they hinted was ice cream and chips.

"What took you so long?" Keonhee whined. "Come on and eat, your food is getting cold." The guy with a soft voice, named Seoho, said. Leedo nodded and complied easily.

After they finished eating. The eldest went to his room, where he shared with Seoho. He took a short shower, just to remove his thoughts, he let the warm water to flow through his body, relaxing him a bit. He changed into his pajamas before taking the laptop from his study table he bought two years ago. He watched X-Men, one of his favorite movies. Until he heard the door creaked, indicating someone is going in, and that someone is Seoho.

"Watching that movie again?" The latter sat beside him, and looked at the laptop screen. "You've been watching that, like since, forever."

The taller guy paused the movie to look at the guy sitting beside him. He doesn't want to miss any parts. "Do you, perhaps want to be dead?"

The other one tries to hold in his laughter. "Kim Youngjo, you're super sensitive." He said, making the latter roll his eyes. And averting his gaze back to his laptop and continued watching his movie.

"Do you have work tomorrow?" Seoho stood up from Youngjo's bed, and walked towards his. He heard a faint 'mm' as a response from him.

He saw an envelope in his desk. He suddenly remembers what he was going to say earlier, before he cooked dinner. "I forgot saying this to the others earlier." He took the envelope and faced at the other one. "It's an invitation for a birthday party?"

The latter paused once again his laptop, to face Seoho who was walking towards his direction, reading the content of the paper. He was curious on who it came from, for they never once been invited to a birthday party before. Seoho sat at the edge of Youngjo's bed and handed him the light peach colored envelope.

It read;

'Good day to you all, we will make this as short as we can.

But we happily invite you to Oh Yejun's birthday this Saturday, 8 pm. You're the only ones invited, and Yejun's friends as well.

The address is in this invitation, we are looking forward to your presence and thank you.

Sincerely from;
Younghoon, Harin, Hyungu, Dongmyeong, and Giwook'

"Are you going?" Seoho asked as soon as Youngjo finished reading it. "Of course, it's been 7 years since we last saw him. And I can't wait." Youngjo closed his laptop and put it back on his study table.

Youngjo laid down as soon as Seoho went back to his bed. He can't hide his excitement, since he was the closest to the child. He was the one who plays with him, puts him to sleep, feeds him and protects him for the past 10 years. When they decided to bring him to the five servants, who they already call friends. It was hard for them, especially for him.


It was 2 in the morning and he can barely sleep. He rose up after he saw Seoho sleeping peacefully on the other side. He went to the living room that was downstairs. And sensed something was off. He saw something moving by the window, but as he stepped closer there was nothing there. 'I'm imagining stuff again', he thought and sighed. After all those years, he would imagine stuff, he tried telling the members about it but they shrug it out.

The lights flicked open, a short guy appeared. But in his expression, it looks like he saw a ghost. The taller guy followed his direction and was shocked as well.

'I'm back'

It said, with red ink writing on it, seems to be blood. Youngjo's fists balled, knuckles turned white, anger in his veins. If he won't control his self, they all could get in danger.

"Hyung, calm down." Hwanwoong put his hand out to hold his hyung's shoulder. "I know you're mad, I am too, but don't let it out please." The younger begged. He smiled as soon as he saw the older breathing normally, but still mad inside.

"Don't worry hyung, we'll defeat them I know it." The younger said with full confidence, since they defeated them last time. The older sighed and mumbled something the younger didn't hear.

"I will kill him."

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