"I've gotta tell him..."

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It's been two months since Wendy Marvell and her family had moved to Magnolia. Two months since she'd began her sophomore year at her new high school, Fairy tail high. And two months since she'd met the Raven-haired, smily boy who was now her best friend in the entire world, Romeo Conbolt...the same boy that she was slowly, but surely falling more and more in love with....

Wendy POV

Ever since I was old enough, I'd always loved to cook. Me being an early bird myself, I'd especially always loved to make breakfast, especially because by the time I woke up almost everyday my parents were already gone for work, and my brother Gray who almost always woke up 2 hours after me and could not cook to save his life. Today I decided on some breakfast burritos, since we had some fresh ingredients, and today was Saturday so we were in no rush to be anywhere right away. I loved to play music when I cooked, so I grabbed my Bluetooth speaker and put some 21 pilots on before setting my phone on the counter while I went to prepare our breakfast.

About 30ish minutes later my beautiful breakfast burritos for my couch potato of a brother and I were completed, and smelled heavenly.

When I was a few bites from finishing my delicious breakfast creation, I heard Gray's door swing open, and my brother in his zombified, still half asleep trance walked out in nothing but his boxers, desperately looking for the source of the appetizing aroma filling the house.

I sighed "hey big bro, I know we basically were raised as siblings, and I know this isn't anything new to me, but don't you think you should start getting in the habit of at least making yourself look decent before coming out of your room In the morning?" I teased him as I finished up the last morsels of my breakfast burrito.

"Eh? We're in the comfort of our own home aren't we? Key word Wen, comfort. I am comfortable this way, therefore I will continue to lounge around this way while at home." Gray responded, stuffing his face with the food I had made for him while simultaneously talking.

I sighed, even bigger this time "I guess it can't be helped. Too late to teach a dog new tricks I suppose. Can't blame a girl for trying."

My brother then took a breather from devouring his breakfast whole, and glanced over at me with prodding eyes.

He then asked something that just about made me spit my mouthful of orange juice out.

""So when are you gonna tell Romeo you're that like head over heels in love with him?" My brother asked, in a more serious tone than he used when he usually teased me about Romeo.

He's my best friend!! He's the first and really only true friend I've made since moving to Magnolia. Sure I might have had a tiny bit of a crush on him since the day I met him a couple of months ago, but it certainly is not remotely close to love. And even if I did develop those kind of feelings for him, I wouldn't dare ruin the friendship we've built over the past couple of months by confessing that kind of thing to him. Which is good because I do not feel that way about him...I don't...right?

I refocused when I realized I hadn't yet answered or acknowledged my brothers question.

"Ehhhh. Waddya mean big bro?" I tried to play it off, but even I knew it wasn't working. "Romeo? C'mon Gray, you know he's my best friend. And that's all we are. It's mutual. We see each other as nothing more than that. It's that simple really." I felt a small blush come over my face, and my entire face became extremely warm.

Gray just shot me that "how stupid do you think I am little girl" look.

"Ah c' mon Wen, seriously do you think I'm as dense as the two of you squirts? I see the way you are around him, and the way he is around you. I've never seen you so...comfortable and open with someone the way you are with him. And I know how hard making friends is for you. Heck you had one true friend back home and even you guys ended up drifting apart. But the way you act when you're with Conbolt...I've just never seen you so happy Wen...." he started to trail off, becoming more serious as he talked.

I started to tear a little. My brother was a compassionate person sure, but he was never one fo get overly mushy and be outward about how he felt. So this whole shpiel he was going on was a completely new side of him I was yet to see.


"My point is Wen....I'm not saying you do like the kid , maybe I'm grasping at straws and maybe you are just friends like you said....but I know what I see between you two everyday. And I see how happy he makes you....all I'm saying Wen....is that if he makes you that happy maybe you should tell him....."

"Gray-I" I was surprised at what I was hearing. This whole time I was under the impression that my brother really didn't care too much for my best friend. Then this all of a sudden out of the blue?

"I know that I give the kid a hard time Wen. But that's just because I wanna look out for you. But in reality, he does a damned good job of doing just that too. And as much of a pain in the ass his brother may be....Conbolt is alright in my book Wen. And if you decided to be more than just his best friend one day. I would feel confident that he would take good care of you. That's all" and with that, my half naked brother got up, walked back to his room and shut his door.

Did I just hear all of that correctly? Not only did Gray just completely open up about how he felt about something, but in reality he doesn't hate Romeo, and on top of that, kind of sorta maybe wouldn't mind if I dated him? He said he sees the way I am with Romeo. And how he makes me happy. Which is true. He does make me happy. But does he really make me happy in that way? A way that someone who you view as more than a friend does? I knew that I'd had a small crush on Romeo since the day I met him. But I never realized that it might have developed into full fledged feelings.

It must be true.

I'm in love with Romeo.

........I've gotta tell him.......

But how? And when?

Oh Mavis please help me......

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