Gudetama facts

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Do you Know who Gudetama is? Well if not then Gudetama Is basically just a Lazy ordinary egg. If you do Know about Gudetama then you might know some facts that are about to be in this book. If your a newbie to Gudetama Then This book will teach you a lot about Gudetama. And if your Not new then That's good. Because you might know some facts about Gudetama that I dont even know!

                   Gudetama Gender

Well Gudetama doesn't really have a gender sense its just a Unfertilized egg. But if you prefer calling it a "She"
Or "He" Then You do you. It doesn't really matter sense it has no gender. But, I prefer calling Gudetama and "It" Or just by its Name. And I think it would probably be better if people called it by its name Or by an "It".

        How to pronounce Gudetama

The E in Gudetama Isn't the regular sound an E makes. The E id like those E's that have a Line on top of them. Like this É. That's how your suppose to pronounce it.  But sense that wasnt a very good explanation, this is how you pronounce it. Good  É Tama And now say it all together. Which is Gudetama. Another fact about its name is That the Name Gudetama come's from a Japanese Phrase "Gude Gude" which mean's Lazy, With "Tama", A shortened form of "Tamago", a Japanese word for egg. "Lazy" undersells Gudetama a bit.

          More facts about Gudetama

Gudetama has A Game which Is called "Gudetama Tap" I personally think that this game is Really fun. Though, all you have to do I'd basically Tap and Tap it over to win More and More Gudetama Points. One thing I like about This game is that It doesn't have add's about other games that you should play, It has Its own clips which sometimes are funny. The language is In Japanese But it Has subtitle's in English so that you could understand it. This is a Site where you can buy Gudetama Toys,Clothes,And more.  Oh and also can we just talk about Gudetama's butt By the Way. Its is Very Gorgeous and it looks very good to eat. (I kinda wish I had an Egg with a big butt)But anyways I apologize for that if that made you feel uncomfortable.

                 Gudetama's Friend

Gudetama Also his A friend Which is name Nisetama. Nisetama-San Is a human wearing a yellow body suit, who dreams of being like Gudetama. His name is a combination of "Fake" And "Egg". According to Sanrio website, after dreaming to much about becoming Gudetama, The dream became a Delusion.

                  Ending of Book

I would like to thank the people who read this book! And I really hope you enjoyed it. And it would mean a lot to if people recommended this book to other people. If you were wondering how long this took to make it surprisingly took only one day! And if you were also wondering If I made other books, This is actually the first book I made But I will probably do more books in the future about other things. And I actually wouldnt expect myself to write a book at a young age.
I dont really have my own account to sense I'm young. But So I have to use my older brothers old account. And again thank you for reading this. And I'm sorry if I did this wrong this is actually my first time using this app. So in sorry if it looks messed up. But, I think I'll get used to using this app in a few months Or weeks. And I hope you have a nice day, Afternoon, Or night!

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